1.3 jealous fiancés are hot

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[warning: dirty talk throughout the chapter and descriptive wording]


Max had broken the internet that was for sure

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Max had broken the internet that was for sure. Isobel had informed him that their plan had worked, by the time Marcy was done her shoot she hadn't seen anything but what Max had posted and the enter fandom losing its mind. She did ask why, Max chose to do that, but Isobel told her it was to stir up the fans.

Max was satisfied with his plan and happy that the woman he was slowly developing feelings for was protected from the shit from her past.

It was now 5pm and Cat and Heidi had gone to get dressed, since Isobel was in town, they had invited her to stay at Daniel's and also go out with them tonight. She tried to decline but no one allowed her to do so. They were waiting for Marcy and Isobel to return.

Most of the boys had started getting ready for dinner, so Max went to take a shower as well. He had laid out his shirt on the bed and decided to pair it with blue jeans. Max wasn't big on getting overly dressed, but he knew how to look decent. He had just finished with his shower and walked out with a towel wrapped around his hip when Marcy walked through their bedroom door.

"Oh my god," she stopped. "I'm sorry, I can—"

"Stop, get in and shut the door before someone hears you," Max chuckled. This was going to be interesting. He was aware that he had nothing but his towel on and Marcy was unable to keep her eyes off him. He felt her gaze burn into his body making his body feel electric. He looked up at her face only to notice her cheeks flushed, lips slightly parted and her breathing shallow. They had never been naked around each other.

"How was the shoot?" Max asked her casually, he wanted to play this out. See if she'd try to make a move. All he wanted to do was push her up against a wall and fuck her. He could feel his boner, it might have been visible against the towel, so he turned his back to her and grabbed his boxers.

"Err. Shoot, yes, it was good."

Max had a smirk on his face, he knew what he was doing to her. He pulled up his boxers, keeping his back to her before taking his towel off. He heard a deep intake, knowing she was still watching his every move.

"I'm glad you had a good time. We were all thinking of getting dinner before the club," Max said.

He then pulled up his jeans but left them unbuttoned and turned around to face Marcy. Who still stood where she last stood. Motionless. But he could tell she was turned on, from the flush in her cheeks and her chest rapidly moving. He wondered if she was wet for him. Max made his way over to her; she watched him but didn't move. She was dressed in the clothes from this morning, and he noticed a new suitcase by their room door.

"Are you doing okay love?"

"Yeah." She certainly wasn't. Max licked his lips and moved in closer to her, there were in touching distance.

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