chapter one

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-Back in her karting days in Canada, Maggie would watch Formula one races with Belle, Ari and Teddy. They had continued doing this for four years, until Ari and Maggie were fifteen and old enough to compete in formula four.

During this time, Ari breezed past it with little to no struggle and came second in the Italian formula four championship. Maggie however, struggled. She found herself losing more than winning and struggling to compete against both the women and men. This was very different from competing at the Canadian national level. Where most of the time her only competition was Ari. At the realisation of disappointment, Maggie began to doubt herself.

Was she really meant for the sport if she couldn't win a race? What happened to her talent? Why wasn't she good enough?

These thoughts began to plague Maggie with her every move. She began to wonder whether she should quit.

During this time her parents got divorced. She always knew they fought and argued but her father cheating had been the last straw. Her mom had enough. This caused another problem for Maggie. Her siblings wanted her back in Canada to support her mom.

But what about racing? She had asked them.
It doesn't matter right now. You need to be back was their response.

Maggie thought it over. She knew she should head home to help them with her mom. Especially since the house had been sold and they were moving soon. But something was telling her to stay.

That something was confirmed when Maggie called her mom to ask which flight to take home.

"Don't fly back. I'll see you in two weeks, in Spain. I know you, and I know you should stay. If you care enough about me, tell me you'll stay and keep making me proud by racing." her mom had told her.

So, she stayed.

Maggie promised her mom to call her everyday for those two weeks, she didn't break the promise.


"You don't need to be so nervous." Ari advised me as my knee bounced up and down. It was a habit. Probably a bad one. I just didn't notice anymore.

"Yeah, alright." I said, I had been preparing myself all morning, by repeating "you can do this, everyone will love you" over and over again in my mind and even out loud.

Teddy pulled up through the entrance with their rental car. Both Ari and I had drivers licence, Teddy refused to let us drive his car.

The entrance guided us to the Scuderia Ferrari Academy building. It looks so... Ferrari. The logo being posted everywhere definitely helped confirm that the building was Ferrari's.

"Alright. Let's go." Teddy parked the car and looked back at both Ari and I.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, taking a final deep breath and bidding the comfort of the car goodbye.

"I'm walking you kids to the secretaries office, but after that I'm gone." I nodded my head, understanding Teddy. It didn't take long before we arrived at the secretaries office and were met with the beautiful brunette secretary. She looked like a total model.

I saw Ari gape at her and almost let out a laugh.

"Ciao, we're here for the Ferrari Academy meeting. I'm Ari Theodora," he pointed at me. "She's Maggie Spruce."

"Bene, I'm Giulia. I apologise I just started working here last week." She said as she struggled to find them on her computer. "I'll show you where to go."

Giulia got up from behind her desk as we waved 'bye' to Teddy. Giulia smiled at us. When she smiled (I noticed this when she greeted us as well) her eyes crinkled and almost looked shut. It made me think of my mom and brother, who smiled the same way.

As Giulia walked Ari and I to the main media room we passed a wall full of pictures. These pictures were of Academy drivers who made it to greater things. Such as Les Mans, Formula 1, IndyCar and other notable races. It was like a reminder of what could be. Maybe not for me, but for others, like Ari.

The pictures started to shrink as we passed through the hall.

"Here we are!" Giulia announced as I quickly turned my head away from the wall with the pictures.

As I looked forward I realised that we might have been a little late. Everyone (or who I assumed was everyone) sat on three sofas. The longest one was pushed up against a wall, while the other two faced each other. It almost looked like a rectangular but was missing the other long side. There was a long coffee table in the middle and a tv on the opposite wall to the long couch.

We had entered from one of the sides of the small sofas as everyone turned to look at us.

I was feeling brave. I was.

"Hi." I said with a wave. I almost sighed in relief as I earned greetings from everyone.

"Come sit over here." A girl with straight blonde hair smiled at us. She patted the spot beside her, which was wide enough for both Ari and I. I walked over sporting a huge smile.

"My name's Aurelia, Nobels. I race in F4 in Italy," Aurelia introduced with her smile still on her face. "What about you?"

"I raced in F4 for three years with Prema. This season I'm racing in F3 with Trident."

"Exciting jump huh?" Aurelia laughed and nudged me lightly.

"Oh yes, of course!" I realised I never introduced myself. "I'm Maggie." I offered Aurelia my hand. We discussed growing up away from home, as both of us had to travel due to karting and soon enough formula four. I felt comfortable with Aurelia instantly. Maybe it was because she (sadly) was one of the few women I had interacted with in motorsports. Maybe it was because we had similar personalities and were only a year apart. Either way, I knew Aurelia would be a good friend.

We continued to chat until it was time to start filming videos and discuss future shoots.

i promise Paul will be here soon 🙏 i'll try to update again soon

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