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-Maggie Spruce felt like she was going to throw up. Two months ago, when the subject of joining the Ferrari driver academy was brought up by her manager, she was thrilled. Now it felt as though she had made a mistake. She had discussed it with her parents, manager and even her close friend Ari. All the while spending her nights thinking the final decision over. Maggie agreed to begin driving for them alongside Prema.

She had been invited by Scuderia Ferrari to do some team media work later in the week. Ari had joined the academy a year before Mags, so as soon as her manager received the email she was ecstatic to tell Ari. She didn't have to wait long because her manager was Ari's grandpa, Teddy. Teddy also managed Ari.

At the time Ari and Teddy had been staying in their families vacation home in Italy, close to Prema and Ferrari. Maggie would often stay with them during the weeks she had to because of her contract with Prema. Teddy had invited Maggie to stay with them more often since the Ferrari contract had been drawn up, she even got her own room.

If you had that much support from some of the people you cared most about, you would probably feel more confident and comfortable with such changes. Not for Maggie though. She was feeling like she would mess it up, somehow let everyone down. Probably lose her contract with Ferrari.

"This is good." Her mom had told her as she dropped Maggie off at the airport earlier that day. "You'll do amazing!"

Would she?

Mag's mind played that scene over and over again. Her mom would be upset if she called her crying. So, instead of letting the nerves get to her, she took a deep breath and thought of all the fun Ari and her would have. There would definitely be some pranks involved, considering how they were almost never left alone because of their crazy activities.

A smile made its way onto Maggie's face.

She felt her phone vibrate, signalling a notification from Ari.


Ari 🫣

where are you???
we're at the food court

I was by the lounge!
don't worry tho, I'm walking to the
food court rn

don't get lost! 😔



Just as Maggie was about to write a paragraph about how many times Ari has gotten lost in the grocery store, she heard a voice calling her nickname.

"Mags! There you are." Ari said while running up to her. Maggie let go of her suitcase and wrapped her arms around Ari, as he did with her.

She took a deep breath. "I missed you."

"So did I." He smiled at her. Teddy was quick to grab her suitcase and pat her on the back.

"It's good to see you Maggie."

"It's nice to see you too, Teddy!" Maggie replied, "Thanks for everything, picking me up, the room, everything." He pulled her in for a hug, he was practically famous for his hugs. He put so much emotion into them which brought back memories and the feeling of comfort. "Don't worry about it, you're family."

They weren't actually family. Maggie had a best friend Belle, they had been best friends since forever. One day, when they were eleven, Belle told Maggie about her cousin who she had never met before. Belle's grandpa had told her about Ari (who was also eleven), how he drove in karting races and was so good he competed at a National level. He also told her that Ari only lived one city over and that Teddy wanted to introduce them. Belle being nervous, agreed as long as she could bring her best friend, Maggie.

When she told Maggie this, Maggie agreed to go. She was excited for her best friend. They met Ari and both instantly got along with him. Ari introduced Maggie to karting. That's why her manager was Teddy, because Teddy would always take both of them to the races they competed in. Teddy had cared so much to convince Mag's grandad to start sponsoring her racing. Through all the years of travelling with one another they had become practically family.

With that thought on her mind, they walked out to the rented car and travelled back to their condo.

This would be easier, with Ari with her.

super excited to start writing this book! august is the last month of summer break for me and im currently working for 2 more weeks. i honestly don't know how often i'll be able to update this book, i'm hoping to finish around christmas but this may change. anyways, hope you guys enjoy this book! (there will be more Paul later 🤭)

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