chapter two

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-Sakhir. We were flying to Sakhir for the first race of the season. Luckily, Trident and Prema were flying on the same flight so Ari and I sat together. A couple rows behind us were my new teammates, Gabriel Bortoleto and Oliver Goethe. On the opposite side of the plane, Dino Beganovic and Paul Aron.

Dino was very nice to me. I had only met him once but I'm sure he'll be the type of guy to always crack jokes. Seeing as, the first time we met that's all he did. He made a joke about Ari being short which I thought was hilarious. Ari was taller than me, yet shorter than Dino.

I had never met Paul before though. I had heard stories of him and of course seen photos of him, but never once had I met him.

He carried himself a certain way. The way he dressed, the way he raced and  the way people talked about him were all very similar. So, light and fresh. Like he was this red fire that would never burn out or something.

I looked out the window. Our flight took off late at night and it was now early in the morning. I opened the window slot just to get a glimpse of the sunrise. The little crack of light shone through and landed on Ari's face. As I began to close the slot I felt him stir beside me.

"What time is it?" He asked while rubbing his eyes. I turned my phone on to take a look at the time.

"Mmm 6:42." I answered before scrolling thru my notifications. "Were landing soon, it's good that you woke up now."

"Sure, says you. You're always up early." Ari says, rolling his eyes. He's obviously grumpy.

"And you're always up late. It's a nice change for you to be up before we land." I shift my body to face him. "It's really embarrassing having the flight attendant come over to wake you up everytime."

"Ehh I don't mind." He turns on his tv. "What should I watch?"

"I don't know, what about-"

"The Goonies!" We laugh at the same time. We high five and I think about how perfect it is that we had an empty seat beside ourselves. Or else we'd be getting a lot of dirty looks from our yatter.


The plane landed over an hour ago. After it landed, Ari and I got a rented car and drove to our hotel room. Most of the teams were staying in the same hotel. Some had arrived before us and looking around the large hotel made me realise more teams would probably be arriving.

I was two floors above Ari staying with the Trident team, but sleeping alone. My mom and sister, Catherine (but we call her Cathy), were going to fly out to watch my first formula three race. They weren't going to arrive until tomorrow. Since they were staying in another room, I was all alone.

Since it was Thursday (qualifying is Friday) I mainly wanted to do a walk-through of the track and discuss the team strategies we would be going through this weekend. I would message Oliver and Gabriel to ask whether they were doing the walkthrough too, or I could be doing it on my own.

Teddy was flying into Melbourne later today. He would probably want to eat with Ari and I. Even if it was just room service.

I grabbed a trident t-shirt and a pair of light wash loose jeans. It wasn't really what I wore. I had brought a couple of trident shirts and Ferrari Academy shirts. I got dressed then headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair then wash my face.

I felt I had a pretty simple routine that was easy to do, even after a long flight.

I pulled my phone out deciding now was the best time to ask about the walkthrough.

Trident trio 🔱3️⃣

hey, are you guys doing the
walkthrough today?

Gab 🏆:
I don't think I will
my families here so we're going
to eat breakfast together

say hi to your mom for me 😉

Gab 🏆:

goethe 🧍🏼:
I'm doing the walkthrough
I'll meet you downstairs, k?

ok Oliver

I scanned the lobby for Oliver. I spotted his blonde hair sitting on one of the L shaped couches. He was all alone. I decided to get him back for scaring me with a spider earlier that week.

I crept up behind him, trying to be as quiet as I possibly could. I slowly placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Boo!" I laughed. He jumped and turned around. My eyes widened. It wasn't Oliver. It was Paul, Paul Aron. And he was smiling.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I- I thought you were Oliver. I didn't mean to scare you." I stumbled over my words a little. I really did feel bad. He probably thought that I was crazy, by both scaring him, then freaking out about it.

"It's fine. You're Maggie, right?" Paul tilted his head to the side a little. He was still looking at me. I realised he never once looked away from me.

I nodded. I looked up and saw Oliver waving at me.

"Look, I found Oliver." I pointed behind him. He glanced back. "I guess I have to go. Bye!"

"Nice seeing you." He said it as though we knew one another.

I started walking away but took one more glance back behind me. He was already looking. I quickly turned my head back again. I felt flustered now and was probably blushing.

"I saw that whole thing!" Oliver exclaimed. He clapped his hand on my back laughing. "You're blushing so hard." He was doubled over in laughter now. I shoved him lightly before covering my red cheeks with my hands.

Paul!!! they finally met one another. keep commenting and voting, i appreciate it a bunch you guys!

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