chapter eight

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-After eating breakfast, Oliver and I decided we should get a ride down to the Melbourne track. Neither of us drove before a race, mostly because of nerves.

"See you later." Belle kissed my cheek and waved to Oliver. "It was nice meeting you."

"I hope we meet again." He said. He had a mischievous smile spread across his face. They had exchanged Instagrams. I rolled my eyes. They were both so obvious.

"Okay, okay bye." I ended things so we could make it to our trailers on time for the walk through.

Oliver called a taxi and we drove to the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit. Since it was March, summer had just ended in Australia. It was still fairly warm compared to Canada during March.

It made me excited for spring and soon enough summer. I smiled at the thought of going home on the break to smell the beautiful Royal Preston Lilacs in my backyard.

The driver turned into the parking lot and Oliver paid him. I got out trying not to shut the cab door too hard. My dad had the habit of not slamming the car door drilled into my head.

"Are you doing the walkthrough?" Oliver asked me.

"Yup. I want to pay extra attention. I've been watching past races on this track just to get ready." I rambled.

"Nerd." He called me while laughing.
"Well let's see how well I do today." I said, surprising myself with my determination.

"You'll do great. That's why Trident signed you." I nodded my head.

"What about you, are you going to join me?" I asked.

"Not today. Gab might. Last time he had a  DNF so he might walk through it again. But you know him, Mr. I'm too good for walkthroughs." He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. It was true, Gab was a consistently good driver so he chose to opt out of walk throughs.


Gabriel ended up joining me for the walk through. We went over everything with our team during our walk.

It felt very reassuring to have these things explained to me, even if I already knew most of them.

"Hey look, isn't that your family." Gab nodded over to our garage.

"Yeah. It is." I felt a smile take over my face in such a natural way, I had forgotten how it felt to be so overwhelmed with joy. Like walking on the stage at school for winning an award. Or when an elderly lady tells you you're the most beautiful girl she's ever seen. Or also being a little kid playing outside with your cousins and running around with them.

It felt amazing.

Belle walked over to me. "Good luck."

"Thank you." I pulled her in for a hug. I hugged my other family members and thanked them for coming even though it was just free practice and Qualifying.

I changed into my racing clothes and headed over to my car. I felt Gab and Oli pat my back as I got in my car. I gave them a thumbs up.


The first 45 minutes were free practice. I didn't want to tire myself or my car out too much. So I took it easy getting a feel for the track.

When it was time for qualifying, I took a deep breath. I knew this track. I tightened my grip on the wheel.

I ended up in P8. It was a much better position than I expected.

Now, I just have to wait for tomorrow.

A/N: What position do you think Meg's going to end with? Short chapter with no Paul. Don't worry though! I have plans for the next chapter. Maybe, drama.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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