Cup 1: The Wildlands

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Ryu awoke in a field of lilacs to the sound of a bubbling stream. He sat up quickly, patting his body frantically to make sure every piece of him was still intact. How? He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He wasn't in the city anymore. What was he doing all the way out here in the countryside? The last thing he remembered was the cat. He sighed wistfully. I hope it's safe now. He had saved the poor animal from drowning in the city's polluted river, jumping in after it had been pinned under some garbage. So, it came as a shock when he heard a little meow next to him.

Ryu jumped, puzzled to see the black cat. It nuzzled against his leg as he stared at the stream. Was I carried down by the current? He bent down to scratch the small one's ears.

"Did you follow me all the way down here, buddy? Aw, you're sweet, aren't you? You wanted to make sure I was okay," he cooed.

The cat graciously accepted his hand, purring softly.

Ryu clicked his tongue staring at the endless expanse of greenery. He had no idea where he was or how to get back to civilization. Oh! Just then, he realized he still had his cell phone with him. Fishing through his pockets, he pulled out a small flip phone, the only model he could afford on his salary. He stared at the black screen, downcast as water dripped from the device. Of course, it wouldn't work. Ryu was soaked from head to toe, still wearing his Java Roast uniform. It couldn't have been more than a few hours since he had been carried downstream if he was still this wet.

He searched for any signs of life, giving up when it became clear that they were the only two souls out here in the middle of nowhere. Ryu figured picking a direction to walk in would be a good start, choosing to travel in the direction opposing the current's flow. The cat decided to tag along, trotting beside him. He grew anxious as the minutes ticked by, the sun traveling higher above the horizon. He had picked up a double shift at work tomorrow; he needed to get back home before sundown. Rent was due in a week's time and Ryu was still short by a good amount. He would have to work extra hours this week to pay on time.

Staring at his new companion a depressing thought crossed his mind. Another mouth to feed. Maybe the shelter would take her? Though, Ryu was aversive to the idea. What if no one adopted her? Then what? They would euthanize her for sure. No, he couldn't chance it. I'll just see about a second job that I can work on weekends. It'll be fine. He reassured himself.

As they continued along the riverside, Ryu paused, staring at the water. He bent low; it was surprisingly clearer than he remembered. He removed his cap, wiping sweat from his brow as the sun beat down on him. The heat must have been getting to him, because when he lifted his head, there seemed to be a forest on the other side of the river. The cat craned its neck to one side, observing him inquisitively. Ryu's mouth drooled as he caught a glimpse of an odd fruit hanging from the trees. He hadn't eaten since—well, he didn't know how long exactly, but enough time had passed that his stomach had begun to grumble and throb with a dull pain. He picked up the cat, setting it on his shoulder before crossing the river.

As he got closer, Ryu could make out the shape of the fruit. It was round—red like an apple, yet slightly larger. He plucked one from the lowest branches, striking it against a nearby rock. Immediately, he recognized the fruit's white flesh, packed with glistening rubies. He scooped a handful of arils out of the pomegranate and tossed them in his mouth. Ryu closed his eyes, savoring the juicy seeds as they burst over his tongue.

"Ah, now you're stuck here, nya."

Ryu's head snapped around, searching for the speaker's location. "W-who's there?" he said shakily, holding out the pomegranate shell as if it were a weapon.

"Down here, b***h."

Ryu jumped for the second time that day, this time in shock as vulgarities escaped the mouth of the adorable creature.

I Became a Barista in Another World! Volume 1: New Beginnings [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now