Cup 18: Hidden Skills and Magic Brews

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Aurora poked the coffee jelly curiously, watching it with great interest as it jiggled back and forth.

"Hey! Paws off!" Ryu said, shooing her away.

He had taken the batch out of the fridge early that morning, hoping that the wait staff would sample the jelly and give their opinions. It glistened on the tray, dew drops rolling down the side of the dark dessert. With tiny spoons held at the ready, the staff dug into the coffee jelly eagerly.

Sylfie, of course, was the first to pierce the soft yet elastic treat, attempting to gobble down as much as she could.

"I'll make more for you, relax, you cocoa fiend!" he grunted, wrenching the jelly from the elf.

"Just one more bite!" she exclaimed.

"Is it that good?" Ryu asked.

"Yes!" She made another pass at the jelly, pulling on Ryu's tie as he extended his arm, holding the dessert away from her.

He turned to the rest of the staff. "So I take it, you all like it as well?"

They nodded in unison, taking another spoonful while eyeing Sylfie carefully. They made sure to stay out of arm's reach as she frothed at the mouth.

Ryu set the tray back down on the table, taking a spoonful for himself. The jelly melted in his mouth, breaking into little pieces as the sugar dissolved on his tongue. Sweet and slightly bitter. He savored the bite, chewing sparingly as the morsel disappeared down his throat. Tastes like home. He chuckled. This was one thing he did miss from Earth. Lucky for him, he could make it anytime he wanted here.

"You need help, lady," Ryu sighed, relenting and handing Sylfie the rest of the jelly.

He placed a hand over his mouth in shock as he witnessed her regress into a primal state, hunched over and grunting as she finished off the coffee jelly like it was a fresh piece of meat. The image would forever haunt Ryu's nightmares.

"Ryu, can I have a piece?" Aurora asked, making doe eyes at him.

"Not a chance. I know you won't die, but you're going to get sick, and I don't want to be stuck cleaning up the mess," he stated bluntly.

Aurora scoffed, scrunching her little face angrily. "Poo! You suck!"

Ryu pinched the bridge of his nose. They hadn't even opened yet and already he was dealing with two headaches.

"I'll give you a cup of whipped cream if you stop bugging me."

"Deal!" Aurora scampered off happily, doing her daily rounds of the café, exploring every nook and cranny.

"And you—" he dragged Sylfie back behind the counter— "we've got to get ready for your first day."

Just like the night prior, they went over the steps to make a pour-over, repeating them until Sylfie had memorized the process by heart. They conducted a few test runs in which Sylfie brewed another perfect pot. Ryu was surprised at how fast she picked up brewing with proper guidance.

"It runs in our blood," Hazel said, emerging from the back of the café. She had been observing them quietly, deciding not to interfere. "You're a good teacher. Now, let's see if you're a good student as well."

They left Sylfie to her work as she continued to practice her brew. There was still a half hour left before the café opened. Hazel led Ryu back to the Dark Elf contraption she had used to make the floral espresso a few days back.

"You've seen how I make the espresso, now I want you to try making a cup by yourself. Of course, you'll need the right incantation to do so. Listen closely," she said. "Because of the temporal field given off by the Volthalla Plant's beans, we'll need to cast the spells you've learned in a specific order to deshield it and make it safe for consumption."

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