Cup 13: A 'Quiet' First Day

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Ryu decided to sleep on the floor that night. He couldn't do it. The pressure was just too much for him. He had gone from having almost no contact with human beings outside of work to making friends, learning new skills, and traveling with a beautiful companion, all within the span of two days. It was more than he could handle all at once.

Beautiful. He stared at Sylfie, snoring peacefully on the mattress next to him. He did find her attractive, but maybe that was just because she was an elf. How many sleepless nights had he spent alone, dreaming of one day being whisked away to a land full of wonder and mystery, especially by an otherworldly beauty?

Maybe this was a dream, and he would wake up back in his tatami mat like nothing had ever happened. He grimaced, unsure whether he would be able to handle such a thing. It would be like getting a rug pulled out from underneath him, except the only thing cushioning his fall was cold hard concrete. At least this dream was pleasant.

He chuckled to himself, thinking about his current situation. In a sense, he had come full circle already; he had escaped the mundane trivialities of his job as a barista, toiling away at a lifeless coffee chain, and instead acquired a new job in a fantasy a barista. Was it any different, or was he just deluding himself?

He stroked Aurora's fur as she slept soundly on his chest. For an immortal, she was surprisingly timid. She could chastise him all she wanted, but even she seemed to forget her status sometimes. Ryu didn't believe that Aurora was as old as she implied; she was like a child, taking her first steps.

Maybe it's the memory loss that makes her like that. Ryu wondered what she had been like before. Not much different, probably; there was no cure for being a scaredy cat.

He stared at the ceiling, listlessly, contemplating the circumstances. Things were different now, but not because of the magic and the mayhem like he thought previously. Perhaps he had received something better. It seemed like the people here all shared his love for coffee. There was so much he still had left to learn about it in this world.

The methods of brewing, the acquisition of ingredients—all of it was there for him to explore—a vast breadth of knowledge for him to consume. Like the peak of Everest, he would journey to the top, chipping away at the altitude, little by little, step by step. He would even crawl if he needed to, but he would never stop. He had people to rely on...and more importantly, people that relied on him.

Ryu shook his head. What am I even thinking? I've known them for two days and already I'm getting attached. His eyelids grew heavy. He hadn't slept a wink since he had arrived in Cerulia, the fatigue of his adventures finally catching up with him. Urgh, Hazel will have to drag me out of bed tomorrow. he thought, finally drifting off to sleep.


"...Hey. Get up, sleepy-head. We've got work to do."

Ryu groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as his vision refocused. Sylfie sat on top of him, jabbing his cheek impatiently. "Urgh, what time is it?" Ryu grumbled.

"[05:00]. Grandmother let us sleep for a whole day yesterday while they repaired the roof and the exterior of the café."

"A whole day?"

"Yes, now get ready! Breakfast just started, and I'm not missing it because of you!" Sylfie stated, exasperatedly.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting ready. Here, take care of Aurora," he said, handing her to Sylfie.

Sylfie took the still-sleeping cat and pointed Ryu to the bathroom, ordering him to get dressed. Ryu obliged, freshening up hastily and jumping into the shower; the first shower since he had arrived in this world.

I Became a Barista in Another World! Volume 1: New Beginnings [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now