Chapter 4

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The team finally made it to the called and is already helping them. Even though they got the woman and child to safety, Bobby was worried. It was about Buck, they had found out how the woman road off the cliff. The woman is the child Auntie and she saved him from his abusive parents, however they had followed her and tried hitting them which led to her going down the cliff.

Bobby noticed Buck freezing at the mentioned of abusive parents but he ended continued to do his job. Now they're back at the station and Buck went to the bathroom. Bobby decided not to say anything to anybody for now and just started cooking the food.

The shift is over and everyone went home. Bobby greeted Athena with a kiss. "How was work babe?" Bobby asked Athena. "It was good." She answered while putting the pots up. "How was your day?" Athena asked back." Bobby thought about whether or not he should tell Athena. She's a deactivate, maybe she can do a background check.

"Well, it was good except I noticed something about Buck today." He admitted to her. Athena turn her attention to Bobby and raise her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" She finally ended asking. "You know that called we got and that woman & child we save. We found out that she was saving the child from his abusive parents. She is the Auntie of the boy. Anyway, when she mentioned the abusive parents, Buck froze at that but then continued to do his job." He explained still looking suspicious.

"I will do a background check on the siblings, maybe they went through something. All we know is that Maddie went through an abusive relationship but their is definitely more then that." Athena told her husband in a serious tone. She really loves Maddie & Buck, mostly Buck. That's mostly because he help the kids with there homework.

Buck was at home watching T.V while waiting for Maddie to get home. Buck was also texting Eddie about hanging out again which will be tomorrow, Saturday. Chris has missed him and really wanted to see him again. However, Eddie also really wanted to hang out with Buck again anyway, so even if Chris hasn't asked, Eddie still would have invited Buck over.

Maddie came home and started cooking for her & Buck. "How did you react today at work?" Buck asked Maddie knowing if he knew about the parents then so did she, considering the fact that she is a dispatcher. Maddie immediately knew what he was talking about. "I kinda flinch at it but kept working. I think Sue noticed it but didn't say anything." Maddie finally answered.

Buck then thought about Bobby. "Honestly, I think the same with Bobby. I learn that Bobby doesn't miss anything and is a great observer." He admitted, while stealing some of the food. Eventually the siblings decided to leave it alone and just started eating since Maddie was now officially done cooking.
Maddie and Buck don't have work today and they're hanging out with Chimney and Eddie but first it will be Bobby and Athena. Bobby & Athena wanted to tell them some personal things that they had found out about the siblings, not in front the others obviously. The siblings had eventually arrived at Bobby's and Athena's house.

"Guys, thank you for coming." Athena spoke to them as they came in and greeted them with a hugged as well. Bobby did the same as Athena. "So, we just wanted to talk to about some things we noticed about you two." Bobby started off, holding his wife hands. "Yea, just tell us if we're taking things to far and if you guys would want us to stop." Athena said, continuing from Bobby.

The siblings knew what Bobby & Athena was about to bring up and so they ended holding-hands as Bobby started to speak. "I noticed yesterday how Buck reactive to the situation and so I had Athena did an investigation. That's how we found out about you guys pasts." Bobby finally admitted looking guilty, not because he went behind their back and looked into there pasts but because of what they went through.

"You guys haven't told anyone right?" Maddie asked worried for herself and her brother. Bobby and Athena quickly shook their heads no. "We're not going to tell anyone. You guys did what you had to do. However, we did just wanted to tell you guys that if you need anyone to talk to, me and Bobby are right here." Athena replied to them.

Both Maddie and Buck were relived at this and finally relaxed. "Thank you guys so much." Buck finally started talking. All of them ended up hugging each other again and then the siblings said goodbye to them.

Once they got into the car, Buck turn to face his sister. "Do you want me to drop you off back at our apartment or at Chimney house?" He asked while smirking at the 2nd part. Maddie hit Buck on the shoulder while rolling her eyes at him. "Dropped me off at Chimney and then you can go hang out with your 'boyfriend' and his son." Maddie responded back, laughing at herself for getting back at Buck.

Eventually Buck had dropped off Maddie and is now at Eddie house playing with Chris while Eddie was on the phone. When Buck had got there, Chris immediately had hugged Buck very happy that he is here again. "Bucky, can we play some video games please?" Chris asked while holding the controller. "Sure Superman. Why not. How about you pick the game." Buck answered which made Chris even more excited.

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