Chapter 8

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Everyone then changes into their gears and head upstairs to sit at the table. The rest of the team greeted Chimney and Buck then each others as well. "Hey Buck, May and Harry was wondering if you can come today and spend time with them?" Bobby asked him which Buck immediately said yes too. Eddie and Hen laughed at this. "Your kids too huh?" They both asked at the same time. "Denny was wondering the same thing, not today though tomorrow instead since he figured you probably would hang out with Chris on the weekends." Hen explained.

"Yea sure, I'm there too." Buck told Hen. "On the bright side, at least we know we can always have Buck babysit whenever we're busy." Eddie jokingly admitted which made Buck chuckled at this. "Wow, what if I was busy?" Buck sarcastically asked. "Then you would have changed your plan. We know how much you loves our kids especially Chris." Eddie replied back.

Buck just stay quiet because he knew Eddie was right. "Anyway, Bobby let just start cooking now." Buck spoke changing the subject. Bobby chuckled at Buck but decided to start cooking with him. Meanwhile the others just started playing the game and talking.

"Oh, Chimney what was you and Buck talking about before we came in?" Ravi asked, which Hen and Eddie also had a curiosity coming from them as well. "About Maddie, he wanted to know how much I like his sister. He then started talking about how he glad she met a guy like me and that he hopes we get married soon." Chimney explains, they were all taken back from the marriage part just like Chimney was.

"Wow, at least we know how much he trust you around his sister." Hen finally said, which Eddie and Ravi agrees. "Yea, that what I thought too." He replied back. Eddie then started to think about Buck. "Do you guys think Buck likes me?" Eddie asked in a low tone.

The three then turn their attention to Eddie. "Aww Eddie, of course he likes you. It just might take some times for him to come around." Hen answered smiling at him. Eddie just sigh instead of responding back to her. "Look Eddie by the way Maddie talked about him. It will definitely take some times. Their parents were absolutely shit to him and made him feel insecure about himself. So, imagine growing up with parents making you feel like you're aren't worth it then later in life, a good looking guy wants to be friends with you and might like you. How would you feel about that?" Chimney explains to him, as he started to feel bad for Buck.

Eddie thought about it and realized that Chimney was right. "Aww man, you're right. What should I do then?" He questioned. "Maybe help with realized that he is worth it. Also, tell him how you feel so that you guys can start slow. Buck might feel like you're playing with his feelings if you don't tell him soon." Ravi suggest finally speaking. Eddie then started to listen to what the three has to say and decided that he will tell Buck soon how he feels.

They're all now on the way to a called. A child is stuck inside their house with his baby sister, while the house is burning. Once they got there, Buck immediately ran inside to get the child and the baby. "Buck, what are you doing?" Bobby yelled out. As Buck came out with the two, Bobby was pissed off with Buck. Everyone else put away the fire, as Buck gave the child & the baby to the parents.

Now they're back at the station and Bobby pulled Buck inside his office. "Buck, what the hell were you thinking?" He asked still furious. "I wasn't, I'm so sorry Bobby. All I thought about was the boy and the baby. I mean a baby was stuck in a fire." Buck explains feeling bad he didn't wait for Bobby instructions. Bobby sigh, then calmed down and relaxed.

"Look kid, I'm sorry for cussing you out. I just worry about you. You can't keep doing this ok? I need you to wait for me to ordered instructions before just immediately doing stuff." Bobby finally responded. Buck was relieved he wasn't in trouble, he then thought about how Bobby was worried about him. "You were worried about me? Really? Why?" He asked confused/shocked.

"Well because I feel protective of you. Ever since you came here, I felt something then when after finding out your pasts. Me and Athena really became protective over you especially me since I worked with you. I see you as a son. I had my own family before they died in a fire. I was an alcoholic and it was very bad. One day me and my wife got into an argument and I went out after I left something by the fire. Eventually, the fire spread and a lot of people died including my wife and kids. I can't lose anymore people especially a son I just got." He answered back, on the edge of breaking down.

Buck was shocked at Bobby past and felt bad, nobody should have to go through that. He can see that Bobby blamed himself too. Buck hugged Bobby tightly, "I'm so sorry you went through that. I promise you won't lose me, Maddie is definitely going to killed me later for this as well. I will start listening to you for now on. Also, I sees you as a father but I thought you might think that's weird." He replied back to Bobby. Him and Bobby stayed hugging each other for a little bit longer.

Finally, they went back out to see everyone still there. They also saw that Athena and Maddie was there. "Buck, what the-" Buck hurry up and cut his sister off. "Maddie, no need to yell at me. Me and Bobby talk it out already and I won't do it again." He tells her which Maddie was grateful for. After that everyone leaves and go home except for Buck who goes with Bobby and Athena because of May and Harry. Once he got there, he played with the both them while also talking about boys and other stuff with May.

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