Trailer 5: The Siren

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(It is just a coincidence that Lapis' trailer featuring a water vision was released basically a few days after the Fontaine debut. Can't wait to overthrow the justice system. I am assuming that is what is going on. I have no clue. Now, before anyone says anything about Steven Universe, I only finished it last year. I dropped it when it came out, but now I returned to finish it. Lapis is underrated. Enjoy!)

(Lapis' POV + third's POV)

Water is the source of all life. Without it, life would not exist. Yes, I know there are people who do not enjoy the taste, feel, abilities, and properties of water, but they are foolish to not even think about the potential water has.

A lady with pale skin and blue hair is walking pass everyone who is looking ahead. She is looking down and reading notes on a clipboard while her phone is illuminated with a message. She has her blue hair tied in a bun as she is wearing a white lab coat and deep blue shirt with black pants. She has simple blue sneakers on as she adjusts her blue glasses. She looks up and holds a small smile as she steps into the dark laboratory.

Ah, right. My name is Lapis Lazuli. I am a marine biologist for the local aquarium rescue and response crew. We save hurt sea creatures and life as we do our best to help. Of course, sometimes, that doesn't work.

She is taking care of a few fishes and then looking at a chart for an injured whale. She was checking on seaweed and other plant life. Then, it shows her and her colleagues sadly covering a dead animal they could not save in the lab. She is crying and unsure why anyone would harm innocent sea life.

But after I saved my four acquaintances, my life changed and now, I will do everything in my power as the Siren to protect those who cannot protect themselves!

The scene changes to her standing in the streets at night as she lets the dew drop charm shine. She casts a powerful wave of water to snap at her foes. Her outfit changes to a blue dress shirt and deep blue dress. She has a white and black ribbon tied around her waist as her glasses change to a pair of goggles over her eyes. Her hair is tied into a high ponytail as she gained a pair of strong, thin boots with fins on the edges. Her skin is a little paler and almost glowing. She snaps her fingers to command the water to whip at her foes.

As for those acquaintances, they are interesting to say the least. Daniel is a little cold, but once you talk with him, he is nice to know. Kim is as tough as stone, but she is easy to talk regardless of this tough exterior she displays. Star is very energetic and full of sparks. It startles me, but she does mean well. Randall burns with determination and ambition.

She and Daniel are sitting across from each and reading their favorite book, , together, sharing a laugh at their favorite part. Kim is loosening up as she reads a few files as Lapis is holding her medical files on a dolphin. Kim doesn't mind reading her notes and helping Lapis. Star shouts something about a new myth she learned as Lapis jumps and offers to listen. This proceeds to be a very long conversation about the myth. She finds Randall playing on his ukulele very loudly until he notices her and changes the melody to a softer tone. She is relieved and sits with him as she hums a melody along with him.

Maybe one day, I'll be strong enough to face my past and do what I can to stand up to her. I do hope I'll be able to face my other friend too, even if she is far away and may not want to hear from me anymore.

She holds a photo of a friend who is smaller than her and has wild, yellow hair. The friend is smiling as they are holding their degrees while a few other friends are cheering. She then glances at a rip photo of a tougher girl looking very intimidating as she hugs Lapis and her friend tightly.

So, I will keep learning, studying, trying, and fighting. I will become a stronger person and face my past. I will not let anyone stop me either. I will do whatever it takes to prove that I can become a better and stronger person!

Enemies surround her as she lets them come. She waves her hands downward as it rains around her, dousing her hair and attire in nothing but water. She then waves her hand as she swings the water to knock her foes back with little effort and so much power. She then raises her hand to freeze the water in place and drop to the floor, revealing her as the victor among her foes.

For now, I shall do my part and stay with my friends. Right, they are my friends. It is so strange to even say that I have friends. And yet, they've accepted me as one. I hope I will be able to introduce her to them one day. I have a feeling she will enjoy meeting Kim and Daniel, but I am not sure about Randall and Star as much. They are unique and different. A person on the outside would even question how we are even friends. To me, it is a wonderful friendship.

Randall, Daniel, Kim, and Star are waiting for her with the sun at their backs. Lapis adjusts her hair and grins the site as she departs from the dark lab. Star and Randall give her a side hug as Kim and Daniel hold warm expressions. She smiles as she finally feels relaxed and joins them on their fun, evening activity together. 

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