Let's Play Soccer!

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I was in the back of the class as usual. I did have friends now and I was glad I had them. The one I hung out with the most was Silvia. Silvia was the manager of the soccer team which had only seven players and so they would never be able to play a match.

I sat quietly staring out the window when I was pulled out of my trans by mark yelling "You're kidding!!"  around the classroom all it sounded more like screaming. I looked up to see a blond spike haired boy standing at the front of the class and Mark pointing at him.

After the teacher asked if the two were friends, Mark became very uncomfortable. After Mark finally sat down the teacher decided to introduce the boy "This young man here ladies and gentlemen is Axel Blaze. He is new to our school, so make him feel welcome. I heard you were a very good footballer player at your previous school" Axel only replied with a quiet yes, he didn't seem to care much about what the teacher said but remained polite.

"You can sit in front of Miss Wilson" said the teacher and I looked at him, I raised my hand so that the new boy knew where to go. He nodded at me and sat down in front of me.

During the break mark started walking towards Axel and I could see the humor in it, because I already knew what Mark was going to ask. When he introduced himself

"I didn't manage to introduce myself properly yesterday. I'm Mark Evans, captain of the soccer club" he spoke proudly. "My position is goal keeper" and got into a keeper's stance. I had to hold back my laughter. This boy was always so cheerful that you had to be too, and the way he talked about football often made me doubt whether I wanted to go playing football again.

"Do you want to join the team?" asked Mark "Kirkwood is famous for it's soccer, right? .. no wonder you have such a strong shot!!" he continued enthusiastically not giving Axel much time to respond. Judging by Axel's body language, he had trouble with Mark and his enthusiasm. Axel seemed to try to ignore him by looking outside. But when Axel was unresponsive, Mark asked what was wrong.

"I've stopped playing soccer" came the irritated voice of Axel. Mark wanted to know why he dropped out, he couldn't understand that, so he asked why but Axel responded back "It is none of your business" Mark wanted to know more about it but was interrupted by Steve who indicated that the school principal wanted to speak to him 'something about dissolving the soccer club' I felt bad for him, he was always so happy because of football. It would be a pity if he can no longer do what is his passion at school.

"Don't mind Mark, he's just always very enthusiastic when it comes to football, you have to get used to it a bit" I spoke to Axel while I kept looking outside. I saw in the corner of my eye that he turned around and looked at me. I looked at him too and smiled. I got a nod back from him and he kind of kept staring like he knew who I was. He also looked familiar to me, but I couldn't remember from what. "Keep in mind that Mark now know that they will dissolve the club if he does not have enough members, Mark will ask people if they want to join the club. And by asking I don't really mean asking, but begging" I shook my head with a laugh. I got a small smile back from the boy "Thank you for passing it on" We smiled at each other and then looked out the window again.

That afternoon, exactly what I predicted happened. Mark was running around frantically with a sign asking if people wanted to join the soccer club "Come join the soccer club!" he cried loudly.

"He does indeed go for it, Silvia" I said to my friend. Silvia was looking at her friend Mark who was now being interviewed by Celia from the journalists club. It was a comical sight and we both laughed.

Silvia explained that Raimon soccer club had to play against Royal Academy and it sent shivers down my spine. It immediately reminded me of two years ago, when we also had to play against Royal. That game went so bad that some of my teammates had to go to the hospital. Royal had now won the Frontier tournament for 40 years in a row. Something that was unbelievable. In addition, they always left a trail of vandalism. Something I couldn't comprehend.

Mark joined us again. "I hope people will join in," he sighed. I hated seeing Mark like this. "I'm sure it will be fine, you will probably persuade people Mark. "Thank you Anna, why don't you join us?" Mark asked me suddenly and I froze.

"Uh, no Mark I don't play football" I said. They didn't know what happened two years ago and I never mentioned that I played football before. "I can teach you!" Mark began enthusiastically. "Sorry Mark, but I can't do that" I said, Mark sighed deeply and indicated now that school was over he was going to train to his well-known spot on the hill near the Inazuma tower.


That evening when he was training hard, several teammates were watching him and they were amazed and proud of their captain who was training so hard on his own. Nathan a youngster from the athletics club was also there and when he saw Mark training so hard he couldn't help but help him and joined. The rest of the group joined in and finally Mark almost had his team complete for the game which gave him a lot of hope.

At the end of the week after school had finished the ground started to shake and we knew that Royal had arrived. A kind of submarine on wheels came to stand next to the entrance of the school. A red carpet went out and several students lined up next to it, before the Royal players came down the red carpet. The blood started to boil when I thought what they normally did after they won. Why did they have to come here. It's not even a complete team. What is the purpose of this? I asked myself.

I saw that Mark's team was very impressed. Although that quickly turned into fear when they saw the team warm-up.

I heard one of the players ask the captain Jude why they are playing against this kind of team. Something I wondered as well.

His answer was that they might see something interesting here. "Anything interesting?" asked the same player. And Jude the captain looked around the square and started smiling "Yeah. Look forward to it". On top of the submarine, I saw the Royals' trainer sitting and a rage that I never normally had was brewing inside me. Which no one knew except for a Detective who thought my family's accident was caused by Ray Dark so that I wouldn't be able to play the final and they could win more easily. This made me dislike this man, but even more after what I saw what they did to their opponent at that man's behest.

That dirty laugh Jude had after he almost destroyed Mark's hands disgusted me.

Only Mark's reaction to that was surprising to everyone "Now it's getting interesting!" he exclaimed with joy.

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