Here Comes the Dragon!

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After Axel signed up, the players were in their player home when Celia had a video of an Occult game.

The video showed that Occult's opponents could no longer move. Celia joked that it was because of Occult Junior High's curse.

After everyone had regained consciousness, Silvia asked if she already knew more about Anna. This caught the attention of the players "What do you mean learn more about Anna?" Mark asked. She explained that they wanted to understand why she no longer wanted to play football, and that the information could help them to let Anna join them. "But, but, we promised to leave her alone!" Mark responded surprised, He really wanted to play with Anna, but also didn't want to push her if she wasn't ready. Even if Axel told them they needed her, he wanted to respect her wish as well.

"Anna played for Empress Junior High until two years ago. They got to the final, where they had to play against Royal Academy. But just before the game, she was told that there had been an accident with her family involved who were on their way to the game." Axel is shocked. This is exactly his story. How can their story be so similar? "A few days later, it came out that she had lost her father, mother, big brother, and her grandfather. Her grandmother is still in a coma in the hospital after the accident. I have made some inquiries, and they think that her grandmother will never wake up, Celia explained to the team. Everyone was shocked by the story and everyone sympathized with her. How could she still smile ate school and be so kind to everyone. 

Axel decided to visit her at her house after the school day was over. When he knocked, a young woman answered. "Hello, is Anna at home?" Axel knew she was home because he had followed her home. But he needed to muster up the courage to have this conversation with her. "Yes, she's home. Can I ask who you are?" Amber asked. "I'm Axel Blaze, ma'am. I'm a fellow student of Anna's, and I'd like to speak to her." Axel explained. The woman nodded and let Axel in.

"Anna, there's someone here for you," Amber said as she opened the door to Anna's bedroom. Anna was sitting at her desk doing schoolwork when she looked up to see who Amber meant was coming to see her.

"Axel?" she asked questioningly not knowing why he was here. Amber left the two alone. "Hi" Axel began. Axel sat on her bed and Anna turned around so that she could look at the blonde boy who looked very anxious, not understanding what he was doing here. "Axel, what are you doing here?" she asked when Axel didn't start talking.

"Mm, I, I know what happened two years ago," he started. Anna's eyes widened. "You have to go, Axel," started Anna, who didn't want to bring it up. She told him to leave it. 

"Something similar happened to me last year," he responded quickly before Anna could push him out the door. Anna became quiet and gave him a look of go on "It was my younger sister, just before the final last year of the football frontier my little sister was hit by a car and has been in a coma ever since" Axel spoke softly. "I'm sorry" Anna said sympathizing with Axel.

"I know it's not as bad as what happened to you. I mean you really lost a lot of family" continued Axel who didn't dare to compare it completely. "It doesn't matter Axel what is worse, It is still terrible that it happened. Is that the reason you don't play football anymore?" Anna asked some what curious now to.

"Yes, and I think that's your reason too. Am I right?" Anna nodded with tears in her eyes. "If they didn't have to go to my games, they never would have been in that car." She wanted to say more but decided to keep it that way.

"I've decided to join again. To go play soccer again," Axel smiled weakly. I know you don't want to anymore, but maybe this is a way to try and enjoy the game again, Mark is very good at that" Axel laughed.

"I'll think about it," Anna said softly. "That's all I can ask." Axel replied as he stood up again. "If you ever want to talk about it" he said before heading for the door. But before he reached the door Anna called him "Axel.." Axel turned to look at her and suddenly felt two arms around him "I'm sorry about your little sister and thank you." Axel put his arms around her too and smiled slightly. Somehow glad he was not alone in this, but also glad he could be of some sort of help.

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