Where's the Secret Technique Manual?!

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After the match against Occult Anna walked to the riverbank's soccerfield. When she arrived their she saw a soccerball lying their. She slowly walked up to the ball and looked at it with loning eyes. She balted her hands in fists as she got tears in her eyes.

Why does she feels this way. Why does she still want to play soccer. It took everything away from her. She lost the most important people around her because of this game, so why did she still had the feeling of wanting to play it. Anna thought to herself.

Unbeknownst to her Axel was standing on the bridge looking at the girl with worried eyes. He hoped she could give soccer a chance again, just like he did.

With shaking hands Anna slowly went for the soccerball and took it in her hands. While holding it she tought about the memories she had made with the game. A lone tear fel from her eye and fell on de ball. She walked to the middle of the field en looked at the goal in front of her.

As she let go of the ball in her hands, she catch the ball on her foot. She had a great balance and controle of the ball. Axel keeps looking at her, this was a start he thought.

Anna soon became angry and sad at the same time. She pumps the ball a little in the air before shooting the ball hard to the goal. The shot was powerfull and the ball went in the goal.

The ball rolled a little back and she walked to it, she dribbelt back to the middle of the field with the ball. She came more angry now, more against herself for not being able to stop with the game.

She closed her eyes and called up her Hissatsu. 'Beem of light' she jumped high in to the air and did a spin around herself before she kicked the ball.

The power behind her shot was so hard that the nett of the goal was ripped. Axel looked amazed for the power she possessed. But soon calmed down as he saw the young girl falling to her knees and crying. He walked up to her and brought her in his arms.

"I'm here for you"


The next day at school, Anna walked in a bit shy. She had been crying in Axel's arms the night before, something she would never normally do. When she walked in she kept looking at the floor and quickly walked to her table. Axel looked at her a bit confused, why wouldn't she look up. "Are you okay?" whispered Axel, turning to face the young lady behind him. Anna gave him a quick look. "mm mmh" she nodded, after which she quickly looked back at her table. She was very ashamed of herself and dared not look at him again. Axel on the other hand was worried about her.

During the lesson, the secretary of the head of the school walked in. "Anna Wilson, do you want to come with me?" Anna looked up in horror. She got up and followed the woman. Once at the headmaster's room, the woman left Anna alone. 'knock, knock' Anna knocked on the door. When Anna came in after someone had indicated that she could come in, she saw Nelly sitting in the director's chair.

"I'll make it short for you because I know you still have lessons. You haven't been enrolled in any club here at school and that's a rule that needs to be met. Because you signed up for soccer team a few weeks ago  and you have not unsubscribed afterwards, we have decided that you should actively participate in it.

"What??" Anna replied in surprise.

"You don't have to be so surprised, it's in the school's regulations. Everyone is obliged to join a club. You have joined the soccer club and you must therefore actively involve yourself in it. In addition, I have read in your situation. I know what happened to your family," Nelly said, after which Anna looked at her with wide eyes.

"But can you still look at yourself if you quit what they were proud of what you accomplished? Won't you let them down if you quit?" Nelly asked. Anna could only look at her, not knowing what to say.

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