Chapter Two

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I'm in the living room of my house. I look around, but everything looks weird. Hazy. It's as if the walls are moving. Why am I down here? I should be asleep in my bed.

"He's here," a voice says.

It sounds distorted. I turn but see no one.

"He shouldn't be," says another.

"He doesn't know," the first voice says.

"Sleeping is dangerous. He'll be coming soon," says a new voice.

"You need to leave," says the first one again.

"Who's there?" I finally manage to ask.

"Leave," another voice says.

"He's coming," a female voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see a woman standing right in front of me. She's wearing a tattered dress, dull gray. That's not all. Her skin looks gray as well. Her hair is wild even as it falls in front of her face.

"Wake up," the woman says.

I shoot up in my bed. I'm covered in sweat and breathing heavily. It takes me a minute, but I manage to calm down.

"It was just a nightmare," I tell myself.

No surprise. I'm in a new place. I had nightmares the first few days when I moved into my apartment. Every new place I lived in as a foster kid, I would have nightmares the first few nights. This one was peculiar but nothing new. I get out of bed and walk over to one of the boxes with my clothes. I'll spend the day unpacking, but for now, I need to shower. I get out something to wear before heading to my bathroom. I also grab my shower bag and a towel. I undress and go into my walk-in shower. I turn it on and am thankful the water is relatively warm. I was worried it would be like my apartment, where I had to wait for it to heat up.

Once I'm done showering, I get out and grab the towel. I dry off before getting dressed. Fully dressed, I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen. I'll start unpacking there first. After that, I'll do my living room before finally doing my room.

It doesn't take me long to do all three when I pull out my phone and check the time. Wow. Only a few hours have passed. I take a second to think about what I can do now.

"Oh yeah. I'll go shopping," I say to myself.

I need food, and a couple needs items. I head upstairs to grab my car keys. Then I head downstairs and leave my house.

I'm back home within the hour. I bought everything I needed. Plus a few things I just wanted. Also, instead of shopping online like I originally planned, I just went out and bought the appliances I needed. All it was is just a microwave and coffee maker. I put everything away and set up my appliances.

As I'm leaving the kitchen, I hear the microwave start up.

"What the hell?" I mutter as I walk over to it.

I push the stop button, and it turns off. I watch it for another minute before shrugging and walking away. I head upstairs and turn on my laptop to try and get some writing done. When it gets dark, I go to sleep.


"Virgil. Is everything alright?" Roman asks from next to me.

I startle and snap out of the light sleep I was in. He's looking at me with worry.

"I'm fine," I tell him.

"I don't know. You look really out of it. Have you been sleeping?" Patton asks from the other couch with Logan.

Haunted - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now