the call

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Fox would you stop worry about the pack" derek said looking at the fox laying down with his head rested on the wolfs lap "I will as soon as I know their all okay" stiles said as he started to call isaac.

(hey isaac)

(hey mom) - Isaac

(isaac where are you at)

(well i was at scotts) - Isaac

(what do you mean, why arent you at scotts now)

(he kicked me out)- Isaac

(why did he kick you out)

(I didn't agree with him in kicking you out of the pack )-isaac

(well that's not happening)-derek

(hey dad)

(hey isaac)

(do you have a place to stay)-stiles


(You can stay at the hale house)-derek

(can the others come to)

(i dont see the harm in that just no fighting or breaking anything)- stiles

(can i use one of your jackets)

(why)- Stiles

(well my nightmares are back and your not here)

(yes you can take one) - stiles

(are you with the others) - Derek

(well im with some of the pack) -isaac

(can i talk to liam)

(yeah one sec)-isaac

(hey mom)- liam

(hi liam)

(mom can you tell isaac to stop cuddling with my boyfriend)- Liam

(isaac let liam cuddle with theo)

isaac got up and walked over to jakson and handed him the phone "jax can i steal you boyfriend for a little bit" he asked "why" jakson asked in return taking his phone "i had a nightmare" "yeah that fine" he said turning his attention to the phone while isaa layed down with ethan 

(hey jackson) 

(hi mom) 

(Hey pups) Derek

(hi dad) everyone

(when will you be home) Erica

(we should be home some time tomorrow)

stiles and derek were laying together on the bed when derek started to mave "sourwolf stop moving" stiles said trying to get him to stop moving "why cant i move" derek asked rasing hs ee brows in confusion "because i want to play with your hair" he said as if he wasnt already doing that "okay but im going to move closer to you then I'll stop moving" stiles waited for him to stop moving. 

(is everyone at the house) Derek

(yep we're all here)

(weres isaac) - stiles

(hes asleep with ethan) Erica

(did Theo eat) stiles

(yep i made sure) Jackson

(dont make a mess and dont fight with scott)

(we'll try) Liam

(okay its getting late and all of you need to get some sleep and jackson be nice to isaac)

(okay bye mom) Jackson

(bye guys)

After hanging up, theo and liam go to there room, jackson joins eathan and isaac in his room everyone else made it to their rooms.

Meanwhile at thee hotel

"fox what do you want to eat" derek asked like he didn't already know the answer "curly fries and pizza" while stiles ate he did more research on werefoxes


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