the woods

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A/N: sorry it's a bit late but there's only a few more chapters and then it's the end of this fic.

Once Gracie and Alex left we decided to call a pack meeting to discuss if this would be a good idea. A few of the pack be leaved it to be a trap.

"Why'd you call us" Isaac asked curiously "the Jones pack wants to make an alliance" Derek answered, everyone turned to look at stiles "what?" He asked innocently looking back at them "you usually have a different read on people then we do" Jackson replied "well i think it might be a trap"

"Why do you say that" Isaac questioned"I smelled a witch with them"

What if we meet with them and if they try to attack we kill them


We were in the same place all of this started in, just to make an alliance with the Jones pack so many things can go wrong with doing this in the woods like the hunters who are looking for werewolfs as per usual but it wasn't normal because tonight it was quiet even for them to be hunters.


They were 30 minutes late we're about to leave when they finally decided to show up everything seemed normal til they were completely scatered around the woods blocking every posable way out I noticed that I could smell the witch that was in their car "in so sorry" i heard her say as they brought her closer "there making me do this" I noticed a change in the air a defrent sent and it looked like everyone else did to. Hunters had spotted us but it looked like they only cared about one pack mine. The Jones pack distracted my pack while the witch worked on keeping me trapped in they spotted I was standing in "sti watch out" was the last thing I heard Jackson say before I was uncauntious.

I never really understand why the argents had such a fascination with kidnapping me but it always happens and this time I don't even know why or which argent it is but I am now in another basement in the dark. "Hey ass holes what do you want with me this time" I called out knowing they where at the door waiting for orders on what to do next "I need your help with something" i could hear a mans vioce i knew who it belonged to. It was gerards voice, we had all thought he dead because he hadn't been seen in years not after his failed attempts at killing teenagered werewolves "I've heard news that you're a werefox" he announced like it was something new "so what does this have to do with anything" I asked looking around the room trying to find where he was "you could get derek to turn me" he announced walking out the shadows "theres no way hes going to do that"

"Your right which is why Scotts going to help me" he said it like it was a fool proof plan and it wasn't "no one trusts Scott so how is this plan going to work" I asked getting no answer as he left the basement and I was alone in the dark again.


After the Jones pack had fled from the woods we need to find where stiles had gone to but we couldn't find him or the witch, but Scott had showed up "they have stiles" scott announced"who has stiles" Derek asked "one of the argents kidnapped stiles" if this was true then we had to tell the Winchesters their nephew was missing "wait Scott how do you know this" he just stared blankly at me "I saw him being taken" "so you saw stiles being taken and you didn't try and help him"

"Scott Sence you are the only one who saw what happened you get to call his uncles"


"Dean, stiles has been taken . What do you mean where's Sam . Yeah we'll keep looking for stiles and you call us if you find Sam" Isaac said hanging up.

Now we were looking for a way to get stiles back and Scott and his pack were no help and we had been looking for almost a week when Derek decided to asked ava the head witch stiles was helping.

"Derek Its nice to see you again" ava said picking up her cup "what do you mean again" derek asked confused " I used to do business with you mother" ava answer "what is the point of this meeting" she asked "stiles is missing and I was hoping you could help me find him" he replied looking at her "I will help you Since hes helping me find my witch.

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