is he dead?

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I was running through the woods I didn't know where I was or where I was going but the hunters were still following me with the order to kill him me so I tried to loose them but they kept catching up which shouldn't happen because there humans i quickly relized gerard had hired werewolf to hunt me down i changed into my fox and took off running at that point they could no longer catch up to me I ended up running to the old hale house i then changed back and I realized it was the first time I have been in this house since I was turned and I could now smell the fear and sadness in the house I felt bad for Derek then but now knowing he could smell this and think it was his fault they died all of a sudden the door flung open I turned around and Derek was walking towards me pulling me into a hug "oh im so sorry i shouldn't have taken my eyes off you" derek mumbled bearing his nose into my neck "it wasn't your fault big guy" i said watching as the rest of the pack and scott walked in "hey hey fox whats wrong" derek asked listening to my heart fasen "hey stiles its good to see your back"Scott said smiling.

'derek' 'stiles?' Derek questioned 'no it's Liz his fox' she answered 'hey der' stiles said quietly 'scott helped Gerard kidnap stiles.' "Scott where's Gerard" Derek turned around and asked him "how would I know" Scott asked confused "you helped him take stiles" Derek snapped "i don't have any idea what you're talking about" Scott said calm and steady, everyone now staring at Scot mad and stiles still looked scared "thanks for your help Scott" cam a voice from behind them "now if you would please" gerard said pacing Derek "the bite"

"I will not be biting you"derek scawled.
"Why doesn't Scott do it" Jackson asked but was ignored. There was a gush of blood left across stiles face and Theo was just standing behind him when his body dropped "what" Theo asked confused "we weren't supposed to kill him" Scott turned towards Theo "Scott he was a hunter. He tried to kill stiles" derek growled out

Stiles couldn't handle all of what was going on so he went for a short run the Short run became almost an hour run so Derek sent Isaac and Erica to check on him. After about 20 or so minutes they came walking back to the old hale house with Isaac holding a fox 'is you can put me down now' stiles told isaac "okay" he responded out loud "who are you talking to" Scott asked very confused "him obviously" isaac says pointing at the fox standing next to derek

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