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"Sam that was the sam kid I shot in the woods" dean said turning towards me "maybe stiles doesn't know about the supernatural" I told my brother "his friend called him mom" "Well it doesn't matter, we can find out tomorrow when his dad goes to work."


"Theo what was it you wanted to tell me" stiles asked the chimera "When I was in the woods your uncles shot me" Theo answered stiles "Theo my uncles hunters" There was another knock on my window "Isaac next time you need to use the door" stiles said letting Isaac in his room "why" he asked the fox "because my uncles are here" stiles answered. "So?" Isaac looked at stiles "they are hunters".

"Isaac, have you eaten dinner yet" stiles asked but got no reason "I'll take that as a no, follow me pup." Stiles said before heading out his room

~Few minutes later ~

"Isaac heres your pizza"stiles said handing isaac his plate "thanks mom"
"hey stiles" "hey" stiles replied "who is this " dean asked looking at the teen "hes my friend isaac" the fox said looking at Isaac "well im dean" he said going to shake the youger boys hand "dont feel bad he has a hard time trusting people" stiles said taking a bite of pizza

"why does your friend theo call you mom" dean asked looking at stiles "he hasn't had a mother figure sense he was six and i treat his as if hes my own son" stiles said turning towards isaac "are you staying the night" isaac nodded and headed back to stiles room stiles was about to go up the stairs when dean stopped him "hey kid we need to talk tomorrow about the family business"

"i might be busy tomorrow" stiles said before heading after isaac. once again there was opening his window for a werewolf this time it was derek, "hey sour-" stiles said before being cut off by dereks lips on his own "eww" both Isaac and theo said at the same time "Isaac you've been sitting right next to Jackson as he kissed Ethan" stiles said looking at the two on his bed "yeah but i dont see them as my parents." isaac told stiles before laying down cuddling theo.


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