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It had been 30 minutes before everyone had to be up and ready to start training when stiles woke up and went down stairs to start on breakfast'sriles' 'yeah Li-' "uhaaaahh"stiles screeched "hello there stiles" castiel spoke "who are and how do you know my name" the brown eyed boy asked

"im castiel one of sam and deans friends" castiel answered "your the Angel"stiles questioned hearing derek walking down the stairs "fox whats going on" derek called sleep still clinging to his voice "this is castiel a friend of my uncles" stiles clarified "are you okay" he asked stiles grabbing his hand and kissing it "yeah im fine he just scared me"

"Deans down the hall you can't Miss him" stiles said as the Angel started his way towards deans door "come help me cook" stiles said pulling Derek towards the stove

"Mom me and erica had a great idea" Jackson announced excitedly "what's your idea" stiles questioned "We should invite Parrish over for training" Jackson started "and why would we do that Jaxs" "because he's a hellhound and your cousins are hunters" "it would be funny" Erica chimed in "fine but first go wake everyone else up"

"Dean you with liam, Ethan and Boyd, Sam and Theo, erica and Jackson, Corey and Cora, nolan and Brett, aiden you can train with me amd stiles til youe partner gets here" derek said pairing everyone up

After hour isaac climbed off the couch having just woken up to open the door to find Parrish "hey little man who are you" Parrish asked looking down at Isaac who was staring back at him. Isaac looked at his feet then back to Parrish then he took off running.

'stiles' 'yeah Liz' 'someone's here''i know it's Parrish I invited him' Stiles said ending there conversation "Mama" stiles heard Isaac squeal running out the back door "hey Parrish" "hey stiles who ate they" parrish asked looking at sam and dean "their my cousins they're also hunters" stiles repiled "is he also a werewolf"Sam asked "he he's a hellhound"

"Parrish your late training is over" "I was working on a case" "any leads" "we found fingerprints at the crime scene, they matched a missing person named Alex" "so it's just a normal case" "no there was claw marks across the womens chest"

"Are you staying for dinner" "I wouldn't miss your cooking for the world"

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