Chapter 3: Jessica's POV

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I rarely get angry. I like to consider myself a level-headed person. Even as a kid, my primary school teachers would say I was very mature, responsible, an old head on young shoulders. I never got involved in petty drama and did almost anything to avoid confrontation. Giving any kind of reaction to those situations would only draw more attention to myself.  I just don't like the drama. So instead, I became the voice of reason. The one to de-escalate a situation. But right now, I'm pissed.

What the hell was Wes thinking? He had no right to storm in guns blazing, like some goddamn caveman, even if he thinks he was protecting me.  He had blown the entire situation way out of proportion. I don't like being covered in beer stains just as much as the next girl but that didn't mean I wanted him to punch the guy. The worst part is that he could have gotten seriously hurt. That other guy was huge and had muscles for days!

As he's pulling me away, several heads still turned in our direction, he is not even looking at me. He hasn't asked me if I'm okay yet or even offered to give me his jacket to cover myself up. I may as well be walking around with no top on with how visible my bra is. His brows are pulled tightly together, and his mouth is turned down in a scowl. His grip on my hand has gotten tighter. What reason does he have to be angry? I stop short causing him to slow his stride and turn to look at me.

"Jess, not now. Let me get another drink".

I laugh in disbelief, "Yes now. What the hell was that, Wes?"

"Jessica I'm really not in the mood for one of your meltdowns right now. Especially after defending you."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Is he actually being serious right now.

"I didn't need you to 'defend me'. I told you to leave it, but you had to start a fight!" I exclaim trying to keep my voice at a reasonably normal level. The last thing I need right now is more attention drawn my way.

"Oh my God, you are unbelievable!" He yells. "I was sticking up for you because God knows you can't do it for your fucking self! Honestly Jessica you constantly hide behind me and wait for me to solve all your fucking problems. So, excuse me for not knowing the one time that you wanted to put on your big girl pants and deal with your own shit!"

I flinch at his words as if he'd hit me. I can't believe what he is saying right now and don't know where there coming from. I've never been spoken to the way he is speaking to me right now, and I have to will myself to hold back the tears I can feel begging to be released.

"Fuck you, Wes." I say but it's barely above a whisper. Turning, I spot Lauren close by and stride her way not sparing a second look in my boyfriend's direction. "Can we get out of here please?" I say finally letting the first few tears fall.

"Oh, honey" Lauren pulls me into a side hug, shielding me from any on-lookers and quickly ushers me towards the path back up the beachfront. I'm not quite sure how long it is that I spend crying in Lauren's arms or how we made it back to the villa, but once my tears start to slow and the sobs ease up enough for me to catch my breath, I realise we've made it back to my room and are curled up on the carpet at the foot of the bed.

She must sense that I'm feeling more like myself again because she slowly pulls away from me, just enough to look down at me but still close enough to pull me back into a tight hug if I need it. Her thoughtfulness alone makes me want to cry again. "Do you want to talk about it?" the small smile she gives me lets me know she's here to listen to my rant but won't push me if I don't want to talk about it.

"I just don't understand how all of this happened" I croak, my voice sounding strange to my own ears from all the crying. "Does he really think I hide behind him and expect him to solve all my problems?"

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