Chapter 28: Dean's POV

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My alarm goes off at 08:30, waking me from the deepest alcohol-induced sleep I have ever inflicted on myself. The aches in my bones don't even begin to compare to the ache in my head, letting me know just how royally fucked up I got last night. I know that I was halfway to wasted early on in the night and once I saw Jess, in her gorgeous fucking outfit latched onto that dick only a swimming pool's worth of vodka would get me through the night. Drinking myself into oblivion seemed like a great idea at the time but now I'm not so sure.

I stretch out my legs but stop when I feel a sharp pain in my left hip. Pulling back the covers, I squint down to see an ugly purple bruise covering my hip bone. I gently brush my fingers over it letting out a hiss when the motherfucker feels as bad as it looks. I drop my head back down onto the cushion but instantly regret it when a rushing headache comes on, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut against the pain.

"Fuck me sideways," I curse but at a low enough volume to appease my aching skull.

"Only if you insist." A soft girly voice sasses back, full of amusement.

Every muscle in my body tenses and I freeze not daring to move a muscle. Refusing to open my eyes, I focus on listening to the birds chirping outside my window and the faint noise of other students chatting in the hallway. I begin to replay every moment from last night. Going to the pub. Meeting the boys. Dancing with the redhead. Seeing Jess. Fucking stalking her every move the entire night. Obsessing over what she was thinking the entire time. Confronting her at the bar. Watching her leave. I remember everything that happened last night yet there is still one massive grey area that could be summed up by one simple question.

Who the FUCK is in my bed right now!

A girly giggle distracts me from my thoughts, and I open my eyes to see Redhead staring down at me, her lips turned up in a knowing smirk. Instantly I am overcome with shock and guilt. I am not the type of guy who brings home random girls for a quickie, especially when my heart belongs to another. It doesn't matter that she doesn't want it anymore. I've given Jess my heart and I don't know if I will ever get it back.

Redhead runs her long acrylic nails down my bare chest as I stare at her wide-eyed, unable to move let alone stop her. "I had a really good time last night, baby." She murmurs in my ear; however, I can barely hear her over the beating of my panicking heart. "You were so good to me." She whispers as I work hard to suppress the bile rising up my throat. "I never wanted it to end." If there is a hell, I think I have just bought myself a first-class one-way ticket. "In fact, I think we should go again."

That finally snaps me into action. As my panic reaches its peak, I abruptly sit up and successfully untangle myself from her body. Gasping in big lungfuls of air, I work to steady my breathing. Only once I have my breathing under control, do I notice Redhead is laughing uncontrollably beside me. She is laughing so hard that no sound is coming out and streams of tears are freely falling down her face. When she notices me staring at her, a big smile overtakes her face.

"Oh my God! You should see your face!" She gets out in between giggles.

I have to admit that I have had fun with my fair share of girls and had to reject a good few along the way also, but this is hands down the weirdest reaction I have ever received from a girl when she finds out that I don't want to sleep with her. My face must let her know how confused I am as she continues.

"I'm only fucking with you!" She says wiping the tears from her face and regaining some composure. "I don't want to sleep with you."

"Umm... Okay, good." I reply at a complete fucking loss as to what is happening right now.

"So, you had fun last night?" I question her.

"So much fun." She vaguely replies. Too fucking vague for my liking.

"And you had fun with me?" I pry.

"Yup." She replies, popping the P, causing my frustration to grow.

"And we... uhh... we..."

"If you want to know if I fucked you last night the answer is no."

I instantly feel relieved at the knowledge and slump back against the bedframe releasing a breath of air I didn't realise I was holding.

"I'm sorry for stressing you out but when you woke up all panicked looking like you'd seen a ghost, I knew that was where your mind went and couldn't resist messing with you."

I visibly relax further into the bed as my heart rate returns to normal. "No offense, but I am relieved knowing that nothing happened between us. I've just gotten out of a relationship and am not ready to move on."

"Buddy, please. I know all about your girl. You told me every detail last night. You kept talking about her until well past my final bus home. Then once you realised I had no way home, you insisted I crashed at your place." She grins down at me as I bury my head in my hands, wishing I could erase the last 24 hours from existence.

"Once we got back here, only then did you conveniently remember you had a single bed and set up camp on the floor." She says, pointing down at a ruffled duvet beside the bed. "But stumbled into your dresser while trying to grab a pillow and bashed your hip. Then you slumped onto your bed in pain and muttered a few curse words before passing the fuck out."

I let out a groan of embarrassment not knowing what to say to her.

"Yeah, a real knight in shining armour, bubby." She laughs while patting me on the shoulder. "Have you anything to say for yourself?" She questions with a look of mock anger on her face.

"Fuck me sideways." I reply. She stares at me for a moment before catching on and then she bursts out laughing.


Later that afternoon, after putting Rebecca in an Uber (yes, I had to ask the girl her name after forcing her to sleep on my floor, you can call me Prince fucking Charming), I made my way to rugby practice. I am in no humour to train today after being both mentally and physically defeated from last night, but the show must go on. We have our biggest game of the season this weekend and will need to put in a serious shift if we have any chance of winning.

Me and the rest of the guys have been working hard these last few weeks and have been playing as a team more than ever before. Ever since Jess and Ari came to watch our game a few weeks ago, Noah has been in top form, acting like a brick wall to the opposition, not letting one pass get through. I'm hoping he continues to bring the same energy this Sunday in the final. Ryan and I have been working well together, mirroring each other's movements, and anticipating plays. Well, that was the case, up until today. My head is not in it. I have missed nearly every pass he has thrown to me and failed to intercept plays that I would usually gain control of in my sleep. After 30 minutes of watching my shitshow of a performance, Coach pulls me from the field, replacing me with one of the eager rookies. I've been benched. Never in my 15 years of playing rugby have I been benched. Fucking fantastic.

I watch the rest of the guys finish training while not really seeing anything at all. I continue to stare out into space well after everyone starts heading to the locker room to freshen up. It's only when someone clears their throat beside me that I realise I'm not alone. I look over to see none other than Jess's friend Elliot sitting beside me with a pitiful look on his face.

"Hey." He mutters, giving me a half-arsed smile.

"Look man, I'm really not in the mood."

"Just hear me out for a second okay, this is important."

I turn to face him and take in the genuine expression on his face. Deciding he can't say anything to make me feel any worse, I let him speak.

"Something is wrong with Jessica."

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