Chapter 13: Dean's POV

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My lungs burn as I fight to break away from the scrum and get to the advantage line. Ryan flanks my right as I dodge a player from the opposite team and stays close in case I need him. That's why Ryan and I work so well on the pitch. Since we started playing together, we instantly gelled. I don't even need to look before throwing the ball because I know exactly where he will be. He catches the pass easily and takes off running into the opponent's defensive zone. He gets unlucky when their fullback intercepts a pass meant for one of our forwards. The score is currently 22-24 to the other team but that could change easily if we remain focused and now with only five minutes left on the clock, we can't afford to let the ball get near our defensive line. But we gain back the upper hand quickly enough when Noah tackles the ball out of number 16's hands.

Noah is not a mean guy but even I can admit that I'm glad I don't have to go up against him on the pitch. He is a ruthless, scary motherfucker when it comes to rugby but that just makes him a hell of a good fullback. Several passes exchange hands until the ball is thrown to me. I sprint back up the pitch running as fast as physically possible. When I am a couple of feet from the goal, someone comes at me from my blindside and sweeps the legs from under me. I land on my back and am crushed by several bodies coming down on top of me. I try my best to turn over and pass the ball back to Ryan so he can get us the win. He escapes with the ball before any of our opponents notice and takes a shot. I hold my breath as I lie on the ground with my eyes trained on the ball. It sinks into the back of the net in slow motion, and it isn't until Noah yanks me up onto my feet that I realise the ref has blown the whistle signaling the end of the match. The rest of our team gathers around Ryan to celebrate his winning goal while the crowd erupts in cheers. We all shake hands with the opposite team before heading to the locker rooms. I catch up with Ryan and slap a hand on his back.

"Fair play with that goal. I was worried there for a second."

"Please, I could've scored that in my sleep." He tsks.

"Don't get cocky, we almost lost."

"You're such a Debbie Downer, Hunter. We won, let's celebrate! We can talk shop tomorrow." He chuckles.

I suppose he is right. Tonight, we can celebrate, there is plenty of time to go over game tactics before our next game.

"Yeh, okay." I agree.

"That's what I'm talking about." He exclaims while pulling me into a headlock and scuffing up my hair.

"Let go, you idiot. Your armpit is the last place I want my nose to be. You reek."

He shoves me away from him and runs up to Noah jumping on his back and nearly going headfirst over his shoulders.

In the locker room, I quickly scrub off all the mud in the shower before changing into a clean jersey and navy sweats. The boys and I head back to Noah and I's dorm room before heading out for the night. Tonight, one of the guys off our team is hosting a house party and said to bring whoever we want. I asked Connor to come up since he is missing out on the college experience while working full-time at Francisco's. I also think he could do with letting loose, based on the texts I've received from him this last week, his relationship with Lola is on bad terms at the minute.

When we arrive at the house it is more packed than any other house party I've seen. People are scattered around the front garden, some propped up on deck chairs on the patio while others linger on the lawn. Inside the house is even busier. The kitchen island is lined with more alcohol than I could name and a game of beer pong has already broken out in the living room. I spot my teammate, Callum near the speaker and make a B-line for him.

"Hey, who are all these people?" I say, gesturing to the masses.

"The football team had a big win tonight as well so everyone's celebrating" He replies while giving me a pat on the back.

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