Chapter 5: Jessica's POV

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The last few days of the holiday flew by. We spent most of the days relaxing by the pool or playing beer pong while listening to Logan's rap playlist. Yesterday the girls and I took a trip to the markets in Albufeira's old town and got matching seashell bracelets. In the evenings, we all got dressed up for dinner before heading out for the night. I've enjoyed myself on these nights out and Wes and I, thankfully, have been back to normal since the white party. Tonight is our last night in Portugal before heading back home and disappointment is written across each face as I look at each of my friends sitting around the table.

We are having dinner in a local restaurant overlooking the beach. The sun is close to setting and the last few rays shine bright across the ocean. Everyone is gathered around a tiny wooden table that is full to the brim with oven-cooked pizzas and beer bottles. I'm sandwiched between Eliot and Wes, who are currently in the middle of a heated conversation about who is the best footballer in the Premier League. Across the table, Lauren, Hannah, Jacob, and Logan are all gathered around Jacob's phone. Jacob has been trying to decide on his hookup for tonight and has resorted to swiping Tinder to find a girl who's willing. The task has turned out to be much harder than they initially anticipated as the four of them have been swiping for the last thirty minutes and haven't decided on anyone.

"Here's an idea, why don't you wait until the bar later and I don't know, just talk to a girl there like a normal person." I chuckle.

"Jess, you get no say in this considering you are in a happy relationship." Jacob huffs, pointing at Wes as if I wasn't aware of who my boyfriend was. "You have to leave hookup hunting to the single people of the group." He adds gesturing to the rest of the group.

I laugh while trying to hide my smile by nuzzling into Wes' shoulder. He pulls me closer to him and wraps an arm protectively around my waist. His musky scent fills my nose and makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild. How is it that he always smells so good?

We stay at the restaurant, chatting and drinking until the sun has fully set, and everyone is positively buzzed. Entering the sports bar which has quickly become our go-to spot on this holiday, we order our first round of drinks and file into a booth close to the stage. On stage, a band is setting up their instruments and plugging in speakers. While waiting for the music to start, Hannah suggests that we play a game of truth or dare. I thought we were past the age of playing truth or dare but everyone else seems excited by the idea, so I remain quiet.

"Okay, I'll ask first. Jacob, truth or dare." Hannah squeals, barely containing her excitement as she practically bounces in her seat.

"Dare," Jacob replies without hesitation as if it's the only acceptable answer.

"I dare you to find a girl in here to let you do a body shot off" Hannah smirks.

"Easy, I thought you were going to make this hard." He huffs, turning his attention to Lauren, and shamelessly dragging his eyes down her body.

"Slow down there, hot shot. It can't be one of us. It was to be a girl you don't know" Hannah clarifies.

Up for the challenge, Jacob scans the room before settling his eyes on a group of girls by the bar. "Watch and learn, kids" he exclaims, rising from the booth and stalking towards the girls. He stops in front of a short blonde, as she turns to look up at Jacob, her smile widens, and she leans closer to him as he whispers in her ear. She seems hesitant at first but the longer he talks to her the more she seems to relax and when she laughs at him before turning towards the bartender, ordering another drink, I realise that Jacob might actually pull this off. He turns back towards our group, flashing us a cocky smile and a wink. Once the girl gets her shot, she leans back in her seat until she is nearly sprawled across the countertop and balances the shot on her stomach directly on top of her belly button. Jacob leans down and takes the shot glass between his teeth before knocking it back in an impressive show of coordination. He quickly says goodbye to the girl before making his way back to our group, where he is met with a chorus of cheers and clapping.

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