Chapter 24: Dean's POV

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In hindsight, showing up on Jess's doorstep with a black eye and busted lip probably isn't going to leave the best impression when meeting Jess's parents for the first time and that thought is only confirmed when I take in her mother's shocked expression.

In my defence, I barely had a minute to consider how my appearance would affect our introduction. As soon as I drove Jess back to her dorm, I tended to her cuts with a damp washcloth. Every time a whimper or hiss of pain left her mouth, I pictured pounding that asshole all over again. My blood was still boiling with anger but when I took in the distraught expression on Jess's face, I knew fighting was the last thing she needed. So instead, I held her while she cried into my chest and wished that I could take her pain and make it my own. Eventually, her tears dried up and hiccups replaced the sobs. She pulled on a brave face and announced that she needed to get ready for tonight's dinner. I was shocked that she still wanted to come tonight but when I tried to voice my concerns, she assured me that there was no getting out of it.

So here we are twenty minutes later, stepping into the fanciest hotel I have ever seen in my life. The reception is large and grand with high ceilings and bright cream wallpaper. Plush velvet armchairs are situated in each corner of the room and the people sitting in them look rich enough to be able to buy my house with the spare change they find in their sofas. The receptionist behind the large marble counter greets Jess with a wave and a warm smile.

"Hi, Juliet." Jess beams back before heading straight for the elevators at the opposite end of the room. I follow behind her like a lost puppy.

"Do you stay here often?" I ask, confused as to how she is on a first-name basis with the receptionist.

She lets out a soft chuckle before answering me. "Mmh... no. I actually live here."

"You live here!" I can't help the shocked tone with which I respond and when I look at my face in the elevator mirror, it's clear that I haven't hidden my surprise in my facial expression either.

"Yeah, I know it's a bit much." She lets out a laugh that doesn't meet her eyes and a light blush spreads across her face.

"Just a bit." I reply while taking this information in. I am suddenly very grateful that I decided to wear my only pair of black trousers and a white work shirt for the occasion. I had known Jess's parents had money but not this much. "God, when you visited my house, we hadn't even put the bins out." I groan wiping a hand down my face.

Jess gently grabs it and wraps her soft hands around my rough one, placing them against her chest. "Hey, don't do that. I loved your house and the people in it even more. Trust me, I would have much rather grown up in your house than mine."

I pull her in for a hug before the elevator opens on the top floor, leading out to a large entryway. Brushing my lips against the top of her head, I whisper in her ear. "We're in this together. Okay, you and me."

"You and me." She quietly responds before pulling out of my arms and taking my hand, leading me into the room.

"Mom! Dad!" She calls out and less than thirty seconds later a tall lady with curly blonde hair and light brown eyes identical to Jessica's comes rushing in. She abruptly stops when she sees me, and I won't lie, a small ball of nerves knots in my stomach. I've never done the meeting-the-parents thing before.

"Who's this?" She all but hisses while glaring at me.

"Mom, this is Dean. My boyfriend."

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms Morgan." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat and extending my hand. She gives me the quickest handshake known to man before turning her attention to Jess.

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