Chapter 18: Daddy's song.

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**In Safe Haven- before their cabin home.
Contains mature subject matter... Viewer discretion is advised. Beginning has a spicy kissy scene*

 Beginning has a spicy kissy scene*

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Minho sat bolt up right. His chest heaving, he was covered in sweat. Once his brain caught up with him he realized he was okay. He was safe in SafeHaven. Alex was safe beside him. She stired and rolled over, her eyes fluttered open.

Her small warm hand reached out and placed it on his bare back.

"Babe, you okay? Another nightmare?" Her sleep laced voice sent shivers down his back.

"Ya...ya another one." He whispered, running a shaking hand through his hair.

Alex sat up, and scooted closer, laying her chin on his shoulder.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked, blinking the sleep out of her eyes.

"It was the same. I'm fine now. I'm okay." Minho reasured her, he twisted his head and kissed her forehead.

"What was it about?" She pressed gently.

"Loosing you. But your here. So I'm okay now." He smiled down at her.

"I'm not going anywhere, Love!" She cooed, gently running her finger tips up and down his back.

He broke out in goosebumps and shivered. Minho bit down on his lip. Alex, even though her eyes were still ladden in sleep, smirked at his reaction.

"Hmm. Should I really prove to you, I'm right here?" She whispered seductively, raising an eyebrow.

She slowly got up on her knees. The blanket slipped down, revealing her bare legs. Alex crawled into his lap.

Minho's heart rate became irregular, and his breathing speed up. Alex smirked. She crawled closer. Her hips pressed up against his chest. She could feel his breath on her cleavage, as he rested his forehead on her shoulder. His hands slid up her bare legs. Alex hummed in satisfaction. He squeezed the back of her thighs. Alex gently pushed his head and shoulders away and rested her arms on his shoulders, her hands tangled in his hair. She gently pulled his hair, tilting his head back. Minho's eyes darkened becoming needy as she smirked down at him.

"Are you okay now?" She teased. Her lips just brushing his.

"I'm not sure...might still be a bit worried. Might need some more reasurance." He whispered back, smirking at her.

His hands traveling higher. He smirked even more when she inhaled sharply when his hands slid up to her butt and squeezed, and pulled her closer. He kissed her shoulder, moving slowly along her collarbone, and all over her dragon tattoo to the middle of her chest. Alex's head flopped backwards.

"Minho." She whimpered.

His hands squeezed her again. Alex racked her fingernails down his scalp. And he let out a quiet moan, still kissing her shoulder. Alex's hands slid from his hair to cradle his face and she kissed him roughly. He slipped his tounge into her mouth, and his hands slid up from her butt under her tank top she wore to bed. He slid his hands up her sides. His thumbs gently brushing the underside of her breasts. She forced her tounge further into his mouth, trying to keep herself quiet.

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