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So, in case you are new to this book, this chapter doesn't really matter to you. For all my older readers, you may've noticed that I've started rewriting this book, and for that reason I've decided to write this little reintroduction chapter.

> Reader is completely gender-neutral this time around, so now every can enjoy this book!

> Also yes, this is a Detective Pikachu book, however, it won't follow the entire plot to the letter

> I generally don't use fanfic keys that often mostly because I find it takes away from the story. The most you'll see is '(Name)' when referring to the reader

> Additionally, you'll notice sometimes I refer to a pokémon name with capitalisation and sometimes I'll refer to a pokémon name without capitalisation (think pikachu vs Pikachu). I'll use lowercase when using the name to refer to pokémon as a species, and I'll use capitalisation when referring to a pokémon as an individual

> Scrolling through the chapters, you would most likely notice that I haven't deleted or unpublished any of the old chapters, I've merely moved them to the back in case you really like the chapters (or something. I'm not the biggest fan, but I'd like to keep them there for reference). All rewritten chapters will be placed at the front of the book

I believe that's everything I want to cover in this, otherwise, just enjoy this book!

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