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Age: 2 years old
Gender: Female

Physical Appearance: Tali is a long haired grey cat with bright yellow eyes. She has a small scar on her left ear from a fight she had with a stray cat. She is small and agile, able to fit through tight spaces easily.

Personality Traits: Tali is sneaky and quick on her paws. She is a skilled hunter and enjoys playing games with her owner, Vos. She is very loyal to Vos and will do anything to protect her. Tali is also very independent and enjoys exploring her surroundings.
Background: Tali was found by Vos when she was just a small kitten. Vos was traveling through a small village when she heard a faint meowing coming from a nearby ditch. She went to investigate and found Tali, abandoned and hungry. Vos took her in and they have been inseparable ever since.

Other Relevant Information: Tali is skilled at carrying small notes to and from places for Vos. She has been trained to do so and is very reliable. She loves to perch on Vos's shoulder and can often be found there when they are traveling. Tali also has a love for hiding in luggage and surprising Vos when she least expects it. She may be small, but she is a fierce and loyal companion to Vos.

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