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"There's a small house in the north. It's located in a small valley, called Riverboard. Go there and tell the old man you'd like to be trained." Akio pauses, "I will send a message to him explaining the details."

Vos nodded, "I understand. Thank you. What is the old man's name?"

"Akimitsu Kaito. He's stubborn and headstrong." Akio replied swiftly. "He will train you to be a demon slayer. I have no doubt about that."

With another nod, Vos sighed and pat Tali on the head. "I can stay much longer. I wrote down what you need to know, the paper is on your table." Akio states blankly. "You should be fine enough to take care of yourself."

"I will be alright. Thank you again for your help." Vos bows her head in gratitude as Akio stands up. "Let's hope we'll see each other again in the future."

Akio nods, "Yes, let's hope." He then walks to the door. "Till next time, Vos." He opened the door and stepped out before Vos could respond, closing the door after him.

Now alone with her pets, Vos lets out another sigh and swings her legs over the side of the bed. Grunting, she hoisted herself onto her feet. She stretches her back before walking to the fireplace and sitting in the wooden chair. She reached over the table and grabbed a bag. Inside was dried meat, jerky. Taking a few pieces, Vos tossed some to her pets and then ate a few herself.

After eating, she picked up a joint out of the bag on the floor and lit it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2024 ⏰

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