Heavy snow

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You grunt as you try to walk through the heavy snow on the ground, you didn't think it would be hard to walk through but after being in the same spot for five minutes and only moving an inch boy were you wrong. You and your girlfriend Rhea were in your hometown visiting your family for a couple of weeks since you both had off from wrestling and training and had been planning to have them meet her for a long time now, you found out that it snowed a bit when you landed and knew it would snow some more but not to the point where the snow would at your lower hips and give you such a rough and hard time moving as you tried to walk back from turning the back up generator for power to the house on, you yelp when you feel yourself falling and land in the cold snow on your back trying to get up before you hear crunching looking to see rhea above you. "You doing okay there?" you roll your eyes as you manage to pull yourself up right when the wind blows making you shake and your teeth chatter as you try to walk through the snow again but with no luck until you suddenly lifted off the ground realizing that she had picked you up in her arms and was carrying you as she walks through the snow, how you truly didn't know but you're glad when you are standing on the front porch getting the snow off and out off your boot while she wiped the snow on your back before walking in and changing clothes before sitting on the couch with cups of warm tea cuddling each other as a movie mindlessly plays on the tv as you lay on rhea smiling when you feel her hand softly run through your hair before you lean up and share a kiss before laying your head back on her chest as the warm of both your sweaters and her heartbeat lull you to sleep.

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