Alley kisses

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You really didn't like these business parties, sure it was good to talk and hang out with your friends without being in matches or feuds with each other but other than that there was no use of these parties for you. You walk outside to get air and to be alone, you sigh in relief as you stare at the night sky in your own world not noticing the eyes that watched you leave the crowd or the door behind you opening a bit and quietly closing until you look to see Sasha beside you "Too much in there?" you nod with a sigh as you take a sip of wine, the two of you talk for a bit before she looks around and smiles "Come with me, let's get out of here" you raise a brow before laughing as you follow her down the steps of the patio stopping to take the high heels you were wearing off "Fuck these shoes" you throw them in a puddle making sasha laugh before she does the same thing grabbing your hand after. The two of you run down the street despite being in dresses until the two of you were in an alley under a bridge that led to a small park and hiking trail enjoying the sounds of the bridge, small pond nearby, and chirping crickets "Thanks for this, i hate those damn parties" you both smile at each other until she walks towards you until your back was against the stone wall feeling your heart pound in your ears as she inches closer and closer until she stops a few inches away watching you, you stay still not knowing what to do feeling your mind short circuit when she places a hand on your face and the other on your hip before leaning in and kissing you which you at first shocked by but quickly reciprocated, you hold her face in your hands as the kiss goes from hesitant and tentative to hungry and frantic until she pulls away to breath but also in realization. You watch her jog off feeling bad when she sees the stunned look across your face "Wait!" you run after her all the way back to the house of the party that was still blissfully going on, you grab her arm and quickly pull her back into a gentle and loving kiss which surprises her before you were both smiling while holding each other agreeing to a dinner date later on in the week as the two of you clean your feet and head back to the party not knowing that Bayley had been on the balcony above the two of you, seeing the kiss and hearing about the date smiling at her two friends finally asking each other out immediately finding Charlotte and Becky "God they fucking finally asked each other out!" they cheer before taking a swig of champagne.

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