Chapter 2

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"She's a vampire" James said pointing towards the glass. "Found her alone in District 11 a few months ago."

"How did you manage to capture her?" He asked, observing the girl behind the glass.

"She didn't put up much of a fight." James responded.

"How come?" He questioned. James knocked hard on the glass causing the girl inside the room the flinch before shifting closer against the wall revealing something Henry never thought possible.

"That." James stated, pointing to the girl's round stomach.

"She's pregnant?" He inquired, confused. He was an experienced Hunter, he knew the vampire race and knew that after one was turned it would no longer be possible for them to procreate. Unsure what to make of this pregnant vampire girl, he turned to James for answers.

"She was like that when I found her." James said.

"How could she possibly help win the war?" He asked but he already knew the answer. This girl was unlike anything they've ever seen so what if there was more to her than her conception.

"She has a gift, similar to the higher ranked vampires. She's stronger than she looks, I intend to use her after the child arrives."

"What do you plan to use her for exactly?" He questioned but James was silent as he stared at the girl beyond the glass.

" I can't tell you that just yet, Witts."

"I understand." He replied. His job was to attend the party and gather information on a weapon that had the potential to turn the tide of war but he hadn't expected the weapon to be a girl, a vampire. He had to remind himself that she was not human. Watching the girl as she lifted her head and those multicolored eyes connected with his own. He wondered if she could see him, wondered if she would see what he was about to do.

He slowly backed away from the glass before he swiftly appeared behind James. He put his arms around his neck, blocking his airways as the man struggled to breathe. He tightened his grip around James, snapping his neck and he went still in his arms. He hauled his body towards the steel door that led into the viewing room. Raising James' hand to the palm scanner, a low ding was heard and the steel door opened. He dropped James' body, stepping over it he entered the viewing room and slowly approached the girl in the corner.

He wasn't sure what he was doing really. This hadn't been a part of the plan so he came up with a new one, take the vampire girl and take her to District 2 to the Director, he'd know what to do with her afterwards.

As he got closer the girl looked up at him with frightened eyes before hissing at him, revealing her sharp fangs. He stopped in his tracks and instead of advancing, he offered his hand.

"I'm here to help you." He said " I can get you out of here." Her brows furrowed before she shook her head frantically. He took another step closer, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay, that he'd get her out of this place and eventually though hesitantly she slowly slid her hand into his.

He pulled the girl to her feet and they left the room behind and walked down the dimly lit hallway together. The steel door up ahead began to open as they approached it and in walked the two guards. They spotted him and the girl instantly and raised their pistols.

"What happened?" They asked. "where's Mr. Caddel? What did you do? Answer me or I'll shoot." They yelled, slowly approaching the man who stood silently.

Before they could even react his hand grabbed the man closest, twisted his arm and snatching his gun away. Two shots were fired into his chest while another was fired into the other man's skull. He grabbed extra ammo off of the bodies as he turned to look at the shocked girl that now had blood staining her white gown.

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