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Don't that say Sunday is the day of the week where all you wanna do is chill?

Kim Taehyung wanted the same.

But he wasn't lucky enough to do so.


His bestie...

"You didn't even ask for water bish?"
Jimin grumbled flopping down on the couch and taking off his black mask which saved him from fangirls out there.

"I never counted you guest after the day you ate my donuts after coming to my house"
Taehyung sat down lazily and again diverted his attention to the TV screen as he was doing before the interruptor came.

"That was years ago, you still talking about that!"

Jimin watched how the other sat there like he Jimin wasn't even there.

"Give me some attention, I came to spend some time to your new house for the first time!"

"Un-invited and un-informed"
Taehyung corrected the line. Jimin was so ready to throw his sunglasses at him.

"Oh~ so I need to call you before coming-"

"It's my new house, so.. yeah?"
Jimin clenched his jaw playfully at the other who still didn't look at him but was enjoying internally.

But his enjoyment was disturbed as suddenly the other landed on him from his side and hugged him. Taehyung frowned immediately.

"Aish- leave me!"

"This is the only way to get your attention these days huh?"
He hugged him more tight. Taehyung moved uncomfortably.

"Jimina.. leave me!"
He tried pushing him but the other wasn't having it.

"I let you hug me than others doesn't me you'll use that to annoy me- Chim!"
Jimin smirked this time.

Taehyung didn't like to be hugged at all, but Jimin was just really clingy and won't stop hugging him even though that pissed Taehyung off. So, after awhile, Taehyung just let only him to hug him.. but not for longer than few seconds. It irritated him for some reasons.

Taehyung clicked his tongue getting annoyed now,
"Chim! Le-"

"What's going on?"
They both turned around to see Jungkook standing there with a container in his hand, frowning at them confusedly.

Taehyung took the opportunity as Jimin's arms loosened around him and pushed him away.

Jungkook blinked with a small confused pout- well.. from the angle he saw them after coming here, it looked like Jimin was kissing? on Taehyung's neck while hugging him?

"Oh Kookie!"
Jimin said happily.

"What.. were you two doing?"
Taehyung's eyes were on him now. Jungkook had wore a oversized sweatshirt and pants that reached his knees. Standing there with the container holding by both hands, frowning and pouting like a confused puppy-

"He looks cute"
Somewhere in Taehyung's head, somebody said but ofcourse.. Taehyung acted as he didn't hear it.

"We? I was trying to get his attention"
Jimin replied and Jungkook tilted his head.

"Well.. he wasn't even looking at me, such a disrespectful bish- so I hugged him and tried to annoy him~"
Jimin grinned.

"Hugging.. annoys?"
Jungkook noticed that Jimin was saying actual truth, so he just understood that he misunderstood the kissing part.

"To him, yes"
Jungkook looked towards Taehyung who just now looked again to the screen.

"Hugging annoys him?"
Jungkook noted the information but confusedly, cause who gets annoyed by hug? Rather hugs gives one comfort- right?

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