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Taehyung hurriedly entered the house using the spare key Hoseok had given him for some reasons before leaving.

He wondered that time- Jungkook wasn't a kid or something, what was there to give spare key to him? But now.. it kinda made sense. Hoseok was just being alert.

Awhile ago,

"Actually Tae.. Jungkook can't stand thunders and lights- I will explain to you later properly but now please go see him once, he gets really traumatized at such situation alone"
Taehyung was shocked and he got a bit worried as well.

"Uhm ok- I'll call you if anything"

"Thank you Tae"


He got no reply. The lights were mostly off so Taehyung had difficulties to go upto the boy's room.

Hoping he'd be there, he held the door Knob. It was unlocked. He slowly peeked in to see a puddle on the bed.

Jungkook was sitting under a blanket, covering himself fully. Taehyung took slow yet careful steps towards him. The more he went closer, the more he could hear Jungkook's shaky breaths.

Just when he was about to call him again, another thunder sound came making Jungkook yelp and murmure in fear.

The frown never left Taehyung's forehead.

He slowly sat down at the edge,

Jungkook flinched bad,
"N-No.. don't c-come n-near- leave m-me alone"

Taehyung gulped. His mind went blank for a moment before only one thought came to him that Jungkook needed to calm down.


"D-Don't hurt m-me.. no"
He tried to back away. Taehyung didn't let him though- he tried to hold his arm through blanket.

"L-Let m-me go.. p-please- please-"

"Jungkook.. Jungkook it's me- Taehyung, no one will hurt you"
Jungkook's all movements came to sudden halt. He even stopped breathing.

"Can you come out? No one else is here"
Maybe it was the first time Taehyung had used such soft tone for anyone.

Jungkook hesitated for awhile before he moved, only to show half of his head through the blanket. His eye lids were still shaky.


"It's okay"
They kept staring at each other with no words exchanged until another sound came.

This time Jungkook hugged Taehyung out of fear. Taehyung was indeed slightly taken a back. But- now he couldn't push him away.

Jungkook was shaking pretty bad. Taehyung never thought he'd see such a sight of the bratty boy. But guess.. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Taehyung was absolutely not used to hugs, so.. it took him time to slightly hug the boy back. Well more like, caressing his back.

"You're okay"
He whispered tapping his head. Jungkook's head was over his stomach while he hugged his torso. And honestly, Jungkook felt very safe. He wasn't in his proper mind right now, yet he felt so safe.

"Go to sleep.. no one's gonna hurt you"
He said before putting a palm over Jungkook's ear. Maybe to lower the scary sounds.

Jungkook slowly calmed down and even stopped shaking. Taehyung was staring at him the whole time with unreadable expression. God knows after how long, but Jungkook's soft snore sounds came. Taehyung subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

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