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"Damn that's so dramatic!"
Mr James frowned on the screen.

"I know right! And the fact that Kook- likes Mr Kim- that news literally came out of nowhere there!"
Mia gasped dramatically.

"It was the awkwardest meeting we ever had sire, though I knew about him and Mr Kim but that all investigation type story and Jennie's reality- I felt like I was in court or sumnt-"

"Wait what? You knew-!? You KNEW ABOUT THEM!?"
Mingyu cursed under his breath bitting his lips. On top of that he was sitting in the middle of all them; getting all the daggers.

He weirdly showed his teeth but looked down again.

"You are treating us lunch"

"Wha-! Why! I- just kept his secret why!"

"Shut UP!"

Mingyu just had to look down pouting.

"I've worked with Jennie as long as I worked with Taehyung, never thought-"
Mr James sighed.

"Let's leave that now sir, it's over anyway"
They all nodded with Dohyun.

Though they suddenly scattered around hearing the door and seeing Jungkook walking in.

Jungkook slowed on his tracks and frowned.

They looked so fake for God's sake!

Even Mr James was reading a book downwards on the screen, he literally didn't need to.

Jungkook squinted his eyes,
"Were you gossiping on me?"

Most replied in tune together.

Jungkook raised a brow,

"I DIDn't!"

"So they did?"

They all be glaring at him again. Cursing every curse words they knew.

"Sir teach me later too how to read upside down"
Jungkook chuckled at Mr James.

"Guys I know that was all surprising but it's over more than two weeks now"

They grinned sheepishly.

"We know just- it's weird-"

"Weird what? Me liking him?"

"Well no.. it's weird knowing you like him"

He chuckled again.

"Don't know- maybe we don't know how we should be talking with you, you know.."
It was actually hard to explain.

"Oh come on, it's not like I'm engaged with him or something! I'm just a worker like you have known me all this time, just forget that fact"

That did make sense. They were indeed worrying over nothing. Knowing Taehyung, it's not like he'd start dating Jungkook already.

"You're right"

"See? Now shall we head for lunch? My stomach is dying~"

"Oh Yes! Mingyu is treating, lessgo!"

"Oh? Thanks man!"
He patted Mingyu's shoulder who glared at him now.

"I ain't treating you, fuck off"

"I- what did I do!?"
But the latter had stormed off.

By the way, the copying incident came open infront of everyone. Seemingly, that PA himself was involved in it, and he had just told his boss about the project idea, who thought it was nice and accepted it.

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