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It's been two weeks since the 'confession night', and for Taehyung these two weeks were full with hustle could be an understatement. Atleast- the times when Jungkook would pop up infront of him.

He had hoped first that if he ignored the boy, he might just stop disturbing him; but he later on understood that- he was stuck.

Jungkook annoyed him, very honestly.

He never gave two fucks to anyone who ever confessed to him or wanted to ask him out, so.. Jungkook's this behaviour was very disturbing to him.

Just like right now-

"-and you know hyung? She freaking had the guts to challenge me! Like- bitch see your level"

"Is it my fault that your crush likes me more than your fake-ass? She literally went up to ask him out and bruh asked her 'who are you?' and even then WiNkEd at me! Like- it was so damn hilarious"
Jungkook laughed while Taehyung just sat there looking bored than ever.

How did he get in the situation? Well.. he just had come out with a certain amount of money to buy some cup noodles. He even left his phone at home cuz it was about to die. But.. who thought that was worse decision?

He bought his things and as he opened the door to leave- not just it started raining, also a round head boy stood just infront of him with a bunny pair of teeth.

Salt on cut, ik..

And now he had only two choices, wait for Jungkook to finish his eating and go home with his umbrella.. or wait for the rain to stop. He kind of went with first option cuz he had work to do at home. And he didn't know when rain was stopping.

"Are you done or not?"
He asked bored as Jungkook kept talking rather than finishing his meal. Well, we know Jungkook's intension of slow eating :)

"Mm? Yea.. almost- would you like some?"

"I'm good"

"I can feed you-"

"I'm GOod"
Jungkook smiled mischievouly.

"Awe don't be shy now hyung~"

"Just- Eat up"
Jungkook giggled at his annoyed expression before finally finishing the Ramen bowl.

Taehyung muttered before standing up. Jungkook wiped his mouth and took his banana milk bottle and umbrella. He wanted to spend more time here with the other but.. seemed Taehyung was indeed in hurry. Taehyung walked upto the door and Jungkook went close before opening the umbrella.

They walked out side by side. Taehyung took the umbrella to hold steady cuz Jungkook was having his drink. And Jungkook found that moment very romantic.

"Slow rain, walking under am umbrella together, so romantic hm hyung?"

"Not at all"

"Don't be such a mood breaker now~"
He bumped on Taehyung's shoulder who looked at him with a glare but Jungkook was just smiling to himself.

"Should we hold hand-"
There was a not much loud sound of thunder. Jungkook flinched and stilled then.

Taehyung didn't notice and was about to ignore the line but- he then noticed Jungkook's sudden stop.

"Why did you stop-?"
He frowned seeing how Jungkook flinched again as if he just came out of a thought.

"Huh? Uh.. nothing"
He again started walking. But his pace kinda increased than before; Taehyung frowned more but thought it was good. Atleast they'd reach home sooner. And.. Jungkook's unnecessary flirts would stop sooner too.

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