Xiao x Fem!Reader ~ 🔥✨

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2nd Person Pov

Xiao was fuming with anger as he locked the door behind him and pinned you against it.

"What the fuck were you doing with that shitty ginger?!" he angrily whispered in your ear.

"w-what?" you nervously replied.

"Who is he to you? Why did he touch you? Why did you let him touch you?"


He didn't give you any time to speak and kissed you roughly.

He held the kiss for as long as he could until you were breathless. "Y/n. Explain." he demanded. You breathed heavily as you started explaining.

"Childe... hugged me... just because he's... my cousin... and he was just thanking m-" Xiao suddenlt roughly kissed you again 'til you were left breathless yet again.

"Don't let any other man touch you again. Got it?" he commanded.

You just gulped as you felt your knees going weak just by hearing his voice.

"Got it?" he repeated. "Y-Yes"
"Good." He said before kissing your cheek.

His kisses trailed down from your cheek, to your jaw then finally, your neck. He then roughly sucked on your neck until he found your sweet spot.

"A-aAah~" You accidentally moaned when Xiao abused that spot more.

"You slut" he seductively whispered in your ear before nibbling on it.
Still had you pinned to the door, Xiao put his knee between your legs and rubbed you. You bit your lip to keep your moans and whimpers down or someone might hear you.

Xiao noticed this and kept sucking until he reached your collarbone. He caressed your boobs while still rubbing his knee on your clothed, wet pussy.

He couldn't wait any longer and pushed you to kneel down in front of his crotch.

He then unzipped his fly, revealing his huge boner. You stared at his long, hard member.

"Suck." You kneeled down to where his member was and stared at it until he shoved his length in your face. You opened your mouth wide as he just pushed half of it in without warning. "Mmfg" Your moans were just muffled as it vibrated against his cock, which deep throated you.

This went on for a couple of minutes with Xiao's grunts and whimpers getting louder, until he was getting close. "Ugghh~ s-shit... I'm close..." he said before thrusting his cock a couple more times then cumming in your mouth.

Just when you thought he was done, he said "Oh, no dear~ I'm not done with you yet." He carried you to where the bed was while making out with you and threw you onto it.

He slowly unbuttoned your long-sleeved shirt, then your skirt and underwear.

(Yes, Y/n is wearing a skirt bcuz she knows shes fine as hell)

" You wearing that skirt just made me harder. Now you have to take responsibility." He said as he rubbed your womanhood.

He then lined up his cock with your pussy and pushed it in, not giving you any time to adjust before he started thrusting.

He then railed you hard.

"Agghh~ Aah~" You moaned out both in pleasure and pain. "Uggh~ Tight... You're so tight" He thrusted and soon realized you were about to cum. As soon as he noticed, he started abusing that spot until you were really close.


"X-Xiao~ I'm- I'm cloOse~" You said as the sound of skin clapping remained fast.

"You can't come until you say You're mine and no one else gets to touch you like this" he demanded.

"I'm yours- I won't let AnYone elsE tOUch mee~ pls... pls... pls..!" You whined.

"Good girl" He seductively whispered.

Just him saying that made you come all over his cock. A couple more thrusts and he also came inside you.

(dw y/n takes birth control)

After that, he kissed you passionately before lying doen beside you.

"You're so cute when you're jealous, Xiao" You said.

"Shut up" he blushed.

*Knock Knock*

"You lovebirds done yet? Y/n needs to get going" Childe said behind the locked door.

670 words

a/n: wrote this is in class :p will update soon dw.

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