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Third person pov

Alhaitham just got off work from the Akademiya. He's exhausted from all the paperwork he had to do, his usual job being scribe. It was now late at night and he wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Once he unlocked the door to his shared home, he found it suspiciously... quiet.  He looked all over the house. In the kitchen, empty. In Kaveh's room, empty. Alhaitham now started to get worried on what might've happened to the Architect.

Then he knew, he knew where Kaveh would go...

He opened the doors to the tavern, to see the one and only Kaveh drinking his heart out along with cyno and tighnari. But it looks like kaveh is doing most of the drinking. Kaveh is now looking as red as a tomato as he rants on and on about his complaints toward alhaitham.

"he alwayssss *hic* comes hOme late, amd when he *hic* dooes, he's always in a bad moOd and *sniffle* ignoress mwee and leaves me to,, take care of the house by myself!"

Alhaitham happened to listen to his complaints, just standing there, behind Kaveh, with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face.

"And here you are leaving the house unguarded, drinking away, complaining" said alhaitham while rolling his eyes. He was clearly annoyed by his roommate.

Cyno and Tighnari just smirked at them both. "We'll.. give you guys some space" said Tighnari smiling awkwardly.

Drunk Kaveh then looked up to see who was behind him "alhaiiithamm *hic* is thatt chuuu?"

As Kaveh was being carried, he whined a lot the whole way back home. It mostly just baby whines and long sighs but Alhaitham just ignored it all.

They then reached their house. Alhaitham gently put drunk Kaveh to his room and then went to his own. Just as Alhaitham was about to fall asleep peacefully, his bedroom door creaked open.

Kaveh then walked over to Alhaitham's bed.

"what the fuck? Kaveh?"

Kaveh crawled on top of Alhaitham and sat down where Alhaitham's crotch was. Alhaitham then felt the huge boner Kaveh had.

"mmh~ haithaam~ help meee" said Kaveh. "youu were swoooo hot carrying mwee like that"

He then started to rub his covered boner over Alhaitham's growing one. "fuck" haitham whispered. "come onn plleasee" kaveh pleaded.

Alhaitham then started rubbing Kaveh's cock(still clothed). "If I do this, you're gonna regret it in the morning" Alhaitham's huskily whispered in Kaveh's ear.

That voice immediately did something to Kaveh as he started kissing haitham's neck all over. "mmnn pwease just fuck me.. mm~"

That was all Alhaitham needed to hear as he quickly took Kaveh's pants off and started sticking a finger inside him.

"AgHhh~ Mmm~ h-hathAm~?" alhaitham kept poking Kaveh's g spot making kaveh stutter out his moans. "n-NgGhh~ AhhH~ Haa~" alhaitham then added the second finger, scissoring him. "you sure are loud hm?" alhaitham started going faster. Then he added the third finger, stretching Kaveh's hole.

After more thrusts of fingering, Alhaitham took out his 11 inch hard dick and lined it up with Kaveh's wet hole. He did not waste any time and just thrusted hard.

Kaveh: "aaAAHhHh~"
Alhaitham: "UgGhH~ Mng~"

Alhaitham then flipped their position, so now he was on top of Kaveh. He thrusted hard again but this time, harder. Kaveh now had tears in the corner of his eyes. Seeing this, Alhaitham lifted Kaveh's chin up and pressed his lips against his.

He nibbled on Kaveh's bottom lip until Kaveh opened his mouth. Alhaitham then shoved his tongue in the other's mouth (in sync with his thrust). He swirled his tongue around kaveh's pretty mouth. "Mmmhh~ hai-" kaveh pulled away only to be kissed hard again.

"shh less talking sweetheart" alhaitham pulled away for a sec to shush the guy underneath him.

After a few thrusts, alhaitham felt kaveh getting tighter. "Haaahh~ b-baby~ relax~" but kaveh just wouldn't relax. alhaitham then bent down to whisper it to kaveh's ear. "relax.. please?" kaveh then stopped tensing up hearing alhaitham.

Alhaitham then took out his dick.

"w-whyyy??" kaveh whined

Alhaitham quickly flipped kaveh over and got him on all fours.

He then shoved his dick deeper than before causing kaveh to whine. "Ngghh~ ha-haithaaamm~ too~ deeepp~".

"just how i like it, love~" the skin slapping noises continued. He thrusted a few more before he noticed kaveh leaking pre cum already. "hold it a little longer baby~ until i cum, okay?" "nggh- mmn~ i-i caanntt~"

"please baby~ im almost close too~"

But despite knowing kaveh was close, haitham wanted to hear more of those pretty moans. He rubbed kaveh's tip to send him more over the edge. "haitham~ please~ pleaseee"

"please what, love?"

"i cant hold it in any longer~~ olease let me cum- AaAhH!~"

haitham thrusted faster this time, still not letting kaveh cum. "uGgh~ just a little longer baby~"

A few more fast thrusts alhaitham cummed insidr kaveh and let go of kaveh's dick. Kaveh then let it all out. Alhaitham was proud of seeing kaveh dripping like a waterfall.

"rest up love, there's still round two" alhaitham smirked.

Kaveh did not hear the part 'round two' and just passed out.

This made alhaitham's smirk gow wider as he still lined up his cock with kaveh's destroyed hole.

He then fucked kaveh in his sleep.

"you made me this excited baby, so pls don't yell at me in the morning~"


Kaveh woke up to Alhaitham still pounding him hard on top of him. He looked around in surprise, it was still early dawn, the sun hasn't risen. His back was so sore. So all he could do was yell at Alhaitham as the other just kept thrusting like his life depended on it.

K: "what the fuck are you doing, bastard???!!"
A: *ignores*
K: "fucking answer me!!"
A: "your fault" *roles eyes*
K: "wha-" *turns red as a tomato*

Alhaitham then kissed kaveh to shut him up..

1017 words

a/n: took one month off of writing😋. sorry abt that just busy w school stuff. more updates this month tho✌️

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