Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This is a separate POV of a different story: Style - Experimentation. I recommend reading that one first. This is a treat to my followers for my 500-follower milestone. I seriously love all of you. Thank you so much for your continued support and love!!!

Bebe Stevens has struggled with her sexuality from a young age. She denied the feelings she had for her best friend for ages. It has become more and more painful to hide it.

Bebe was a tall girl with long curly blond hair. She always wore fashionable things and started various trends at school. She wore fake eyelashes above her crystal blue eyes.

Bebe's best friend was a girl named Wendy Testaburger. She was smart, outgoing, and cool. Bebe looked up to her and knew that whatever happened, she could count on her. Wendy was shorter than Bebe. She had straight black hair that she wore under a purple hat.

One day after school, Bebe invited Wendy over for a sleepover. They decided to play truth or dare using an online generator.

Bebe giggles as she hits the randomizer. "I chose dare this time. I better get something good."

Wendy leans back on the bedframe. "Don't get your hopes up. That thing is lame."

"It says... oh..."

"What? What does it say?"

"It says: Kiss the person to your left."

"Really?" She looks at the screen.

"Yeah. See?"

"Hmm... have you ever kissed anyone?"

"Yes! You were there! Remember? I kissed Kyle that one time."

"Oh right. Well, since it's not your first kiss, it shouldn't be a problem." She smiles. "Cmere, Bebe."

"But what about your boyfriend... What about Stan?"

"It's fine. It's just a dare."


Bebe felt her heart beat faster and faster. She was about to kiss the girl she had been crushing on for years.

Wendy crawls on the bed towards Bebe. She smiles sweetly. "You ready?"

Bebe nods.

Wendy places her hand on Bebe's chin and lifts it so they make eye contact. She narrows her gaze to Bebe's lips and presses in.

Bebe felt the warmth immediately. "Mmmm...."

Bebe puts her hand on Wendy's as they kiss.

Wendy pulls away. "Hmm..."

"What's wrong?"

"Let me confirm something..."

Wendy lifts Bebe's chin and kisses her again. Bebe closes her eyes and enjoys the kiss.

When Wendy finally pulls away, she is breathing heavily. "That's interesting..."

"...What is?" Bebe doesn't break eye contact.

"You are a much better kisser than Stan..."

Bebe blushes. "You shouldn't say your best friend is a better kisser than your boyfriend..."

"...Maybe he doesn't need to be my boyfriend."


Wendy already has her phone out. She types something in and sends it.

"What are you doing, Wendy?"


They stare at each other.

Wendy smiles. "Again?"


Bebe plays with Wendy's tongue and lips. Her eyes only slightly open as they make out for the first time. The only sound being their mixed breathing. 


Bebe lies in bed the next day. She thinks about how she got to kiss the girl she loved. Her face grows red. She shoves her face into the pillow and squeals while kicking her legs in the air.

"She's so perfect... we actually made out... Am I dreaming?"

She pinches her arm. "Nope. Still awake."

Her smile doesn't fade for a single moment. "Wendy..."

Bendy - ExperimentationWhere stories live. Discover now