Chapter 6

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Bebe asks Wendy to hang out after school. She agrees and they go to an ice cream shop together. 

Bebe orders bubble gum and Wendy orders rocky road.

"So, Bebe. Why did you call me out here? You never ask to hang out this suddenly."

"I wanted to tell you something... Uhm..."

"Hey, don't be so nervous. I can handle whatever it is you need to tell me."

"I have a boyfriend."

"..." Wendy stops eating for a moment, her spoon hovering in the air.


"Oh, sorry. You have a boyfriend? Thats good! Who is it? Do I know this guy..?"

"Yeah. It's Kyle. Remember when we kissed as kids? I guess we have had chemistry all along."

"He isn't the only person you've kissed..."

"I know but..."

"Since when have you been dating?"


"You move fast, don't you?"


"Congrats then."

"Thank you.."

They eat their ice cream in silence. Bebe felt incredibly tense. She didn't like lying to her best friend, and based on her reaction, she was scared that Wendy might've seen through it.


At lunch the next day, Bebe invites Kyle to sit with her. They sit across from Stan and Wendy.

Wendy looks slowly back and forth between Kyle and Bebe. "So... This is nice..."

No one responds to that. The tension is high.

Wendy slides her shoe slowly up Bebe's ankle, slightly lifting the leg of her pants. Bebe looks at her with a confused expression. Wendy simply smiles.

She continues. "This is kinda like a double date, we should go on one of those, like, to the movies or something."

Stan beams. "Yeah, that's a good idea! Let's all get together this weekend and see that new Mario movie."

Wendy doesn't look at Stan when he talks, she just stares at Bebe, watching for something.

Kyle and Bebe trade looks. "Okay..."

They both agree to go to the movies on a double date.


On the way home, Kyle walks with Bebe. Stan and Wendy were together so they both had no one else to walk with.

Bebe slows her pace and looks at the ground. "Kyle?"

"Yeah?" Kyle slows down to match her pace.

"Do you think this double date thing is a good idea? I mean, what if it goes wrong..."

"Well. I think we should try. We can do couple-y things in front of them and see if they react. We only have about a week until prom, so we should take all the chances we can.

Bebe twists her hair between her fingers. She realized he was right, but she couldn't get rid of the feeling of dread she was feeling. "Yeah... I guess you're right."

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