The Warning ⚠️

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One night around 9:45 when Viraj was taking bath, his phone rings 📳.......
Aradhya - Babe , Babe , (Knocking the door ) Viraj ..... Viraj your phone is ringing......

Viraj - okay ! Leave it ......

Aradhya - But it has already rang about 7 times .....

Viraj - Leave it that way ......

Aradhya - Okay !

Aradhya thought why not she check the phone to know who's calling about ? ..... She went to check the phone ..... And saw The name was saved as (Sunaina)  she become shocked.......For 5 sec .... But for the moment she thought

Aradhya - She would be his colleague ... Let pick his phone....

Aradhya  to phone - Hello !

Sunaina - Babe ! Where were u ? Huh ! I am calling about 8 times? And yes when you r getting divorced ????? It's been 2½ months you told me u will get divorced at 3 months ....... Did you forget ?

Aradhya became shocked as she is living like a dead person for that moment she became stunt she means nothing have to explain......

Sunaina - Hello ? Hello ? Baby ........ R u in line ......

Aradhya cut the call ......
Viraj came out 9:56 from his bath with wet Hairs from which a water dropping sound was coming ........ He closer and closer to Aradhya and asked ....

Viraj - may we eat now ??

Aradhya - ........

Viraj - Aradhya ? Aradhya !
He shaked her
Aradhya - hm ! Yes ...y...yes lets go .....

They finished their dinner by speaking nothing ...... Viraj just kept his plate in the Basin and he left ....

Aradhya - Viraj !  Viraj !

Viraj - What ? 

Aradhya - U didn't wash the plate

Viraj - Pls u do that

Aradhya - But You didn't wash any plates ,  have done laundry or dusting on weekends ......which u have promised me that we will do everything together .......

Viraj (Cold voice ) - U too can do this cause u don't have to went out to earn........

He left and went to his room and locked ...... But Aradhya still on that place on that position

Slowly one by one water drops 💧 on the plates in basin *

These words break Aradhya's heart as she felt 'he is behaving like a stranger he is no one' ......

Atlast Aradhya handle herself and went to their room but their room was locked....... She knocked the door 

Aradhya - Viraj ! Open the door 🚪 Viraj!

Viraj opened the door in sleepy eyes .....

Aradhya - Oh you were sleeping....... Oh I thought to discuss something to you , but it's okay we will talk tomorrow

Viraj - Hm

Next morning

Aradhya woke up early before Viraj and made Breakfast for Viraj

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Aradhya woke up early before Viraj and made Breakfast for Viraj ......Viraj wake up and get freshed up and came in dinning room to eat breakfast 🥞🍳.......

Viraj - what is today's breakfast?

Aradhya - French Toast

Viraj - Wow !

Aradhya completed making breakfast and came to table sit with Viraj ........

Aradhya - I was Thinking......

Viraj - Yes , say !

Aradhya - I .....was thinking about.......

Viraj - What ???!?! Tell Aradhya ..... Hurry

Aradhya - About to complete my Computer science course .......

   Stay tune for next part 😃
Author -  _Radiance_

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