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     Jane emerged from the shower, her body wrapped in a white towel as she limped towards the sink. Placing her hands on the cabinet, she gazed at her reflection in the mirror while holding the home pregnancy test in her other hand. Upon checking it once more, she confirmed that the result remained positive. Lost in her thoughts, she became aware of the sink still running, unused by anyone. Turning it off, she leaned back against the bathroom wall, sliding down gently. With a soft touch, she ran her fingers through her wet hair, moved her palm to her face, and cast a contemplative look around the bathroom.
     Sunlight streamed through the ornate stained glass window, casting a colorful glow on the mosaic-tiled floor. The curtains and dim lights emanated an atmosphere of tranquility. A large bathtub stood near the window, inviting one for a relaxing soak. A plush rug stood at the center of the room, adding a touch of sophistication to the allure. The walls were decorated with a large mirror and exquisite candle holders. Meticulously carved wooden cabinets added a touch of luxury to the bathroom. Just a little above the cabinets were sinks to aid the washing of hands. The bathroom’s atmosphere emanated serenity.
     The joy of becoming a mother soon coursed through Jane’s veins. It had only been a month and half since her wedding, but Jane was ready for the next phase. She understood Jeremiah’s love for babies, but she doubted whether he was ready to have them now. With his new promotion at work, Jeremiah was about to reach the pinnacle of his success and would not allow anything to jeopardize his career. With thoughts of Jeremiah and her upcoming baby in her mind, Jane gave out a loud laugh. The joy she felt when she got married to the man of her dreams was nothing compared to the fact that she would soon become a mother.

     At dinner, Jeremiah noticed the unconventional silence in the room. He felt something was wrong; because, he knew his wife to be talkative especially in times like this.
     “You’ve been quiet since I got back from work. Mind telling me what’s wrong?” Jeremiah inquired.
“It’s nothing. I’m just exhausted, that’s all,” Jane lied.
“You know I can tell when you’re lying,” Jeremiah said.
Jane sighed and asked, “How was work?”
“We lost a patient, but that’s not what I want to talk about right now,” Jeremiah insisted.
“Jeremiah, how would you feel if we were three in this house?” Jane questioned.
“Is someone moving in?” Jeremiah gave a curious look.
“I’m scared, Jeremiah. I honestly am,” Jane sniffed.
“What’s happening? What are you scared of?” Jeremiah queried.
“There’s a baby coming,” Jane cried, placing her right hand on her stomach.
“There’s a what?” Jeremiah asked curiously.
“You’re going to become a father soon,” Jane cried passionately.
“Are you serious?” Jeremiah dropped his spoon and moved towards his wife.
Jane nodded, and a tear fell down Jeremiah’s cheek.
“This is great news,” Jeremiah touched his wife’s stomach. “Why did you say you were scared?” Jeremiah asked.
“I thought that with the new promotion and your workload, you wouldn’t want a baby right now,” Jane wiped her tears with her fingers.
“That’s nonsense! You and that little guy over there matter more to me than any career. You’re my wife. We defied the odds to get here, and we can do it again. I mean, it’s what we do, right?” Jeremiah asked.
Jane nodded with tears falling down her cheek.
“Babe, it’s going to be alright. You’re not talking to a recruit; your husband is a boss at work, and we’re going to pull through this together,” Jeremiah assured.
“What if it’s a girl?” Jane asked.
“Boy or girl, I don’t care. I’ll still love you regardless,” Jeremiah reassured.
“I love you so much,” Jane cried.
“I love you too, honey,” Jeremiah hugged his wife.
     At this point, Jeremiah couldn’t contain the joy he was feeling. Yes, the joy of coming home to meet his beautiful wife was great but what could beat the joy of coming home to meet a wife and a child? He was overwhelmed with joy. His life was about to be complete. He had his dream car, his dream house, his dream job, his dream wife and now, he was about to get a child to complement all of that. It was an inexplicable feeling.

     Meanwhile, at The Liberation Sisterhood Mother Liberation held an impromptu meeting to address a dire issue. With twenty-three members of The Sisterhood seated, Mary demanded silence.
     Mary began, “I have called upon this meeting today to address the issue of leadership. About two months ago, I suspended my assistant, Esosa. Her suspension has since been uplifted, but she has not returned. The Sisterhood has conducted its findings, and Esosa is nowhere to be found. We have checked her house and all the places she visits, but we could not find her. Technically, she has disappeared from our radar.”
“But how is that possible? I thought The Sisterhood has eyes everywhere,” Ada asked.
“Esosa has been with The Sisterhood for a very long time. She knows our modus operandi, so her disappearance shouldn’t be a surprise,” Aishat responded.
“If that is true, aren’t we supposed to be worried? What if she leaks our secret?” Ada asked.
     Murmuring filled the air.
“Silence!” Mary called out. “Esosa knows better than to be a snitch. We have had issues like this in the past, and trust me, it was well taken care of. I called this meeting today to introduce to everyone my new predecessor, Magdalene. After Esosa, she was next in command, and since Esosa is no longer with us, Magdalene will be taking her place,” Mary added.
     Magdalene stood up, and everyone in the room applauded her.
     “Now, are there any questions?” Mary inquired.
     Tolulope raised her right hand, and Mary allowed her to speak.
     “Mother, what makes you think Magdalene is fit for this post?” Tolulope asked.
“Magdalene has in-depth knowledge of the rules, principles, and our mode of operation. Her proof of work over the years is undeniable, and of course, she’s equally as brutal as I am,” Mary answered.
“Thank you, Mother,” Tolulope took her seat.
     Elizabeth raised her right hand, and she was allowed to speak.
     “Mother, what if Esosa was captured by our enemies? I mean, these people have been looking for a lead for years,” Elizabeth inquired.
“Esosa has been captured before. Before The Sisterhood could come to her rescue, she burnt her kidnappers to death. Those skunks know better than to capture her again.”
“If I may ask, who are the skunks?” Osahumen asked.
“Just like we have our society of women, the men have their own. They’re called ‘The Alpha and Kings’. They’re a very brutal group of people. I describe them as ‘men who were emotionally scarred by women’. They hate us so much, and over the past few years, they’ve murdered many of our sisters. Nevertheless, they do not stand a chance against us. Since we burnt eleven of their branches in the last four years, they’ve been at bay. They claim they’re brutal, but any fight against women is but an effort in futility. I am Mother Liberation, and I would do anything to protect my society,” Mary vowed.
     The whole room applauded Mary’s speech and once again, she has proven her die-hard commitment to The Sisterhood.

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