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     “It’s been so long since we had some alone time together,” Jeremiah sat on the bedroom mattress.
Jane, who was navigating through social media, replied, “Tell me about it. We’ve been so busy taking care of kids that we find it difficult to go out and relax.”
“How about we go out tomorrow night?” Jeremiah faced Jane.
“What about the kids?” Jane inquired.
“We will drop them off at my mom’s place. She’d be delighted to spend some time with her grandchildren,” Jeremiah answered.
“Hmm… Mr. Daniel, are you trying to escape responsibility?” Jane dropped her phone on the nightstand.
“We’ve been taking responsibility for three years. If that’s not good enough, I don’t know what is,” Jeremiah snuggled under the duvet, nestling close to his wife.
“Okay, if you say so. So, where are we going, Prince Charming?” Jane affectionately stroked his beard with her right hand.
“To a little slice of paradise, my darling,” Jeremiah whispered, his right hand gently resting on Jane’s neck.
“Doctor, what are you trying to do?” Jane sealed the question with a kiss, her lips meeting her husband’s.
“I want to examine a patient,” Jeremiah muttered, pulling Jane closer. Their embrace deepened, a moment of intimacy shared between husband and wife.
     The intimate connection between Jane and her husband was abruptly interrupted as their son, Jacob, swung the door open. Pausing in the doorway, Jacob’s voice rang out, “Daddy.”
“What’s up, little man? Can’t sleep,” Jeremiah said, reclining on the bed.
Jacob nodded in response and Jeremiah said, “Okay, let’s go. I’ll tell you stories until you fall asleep.”
     Jeremiah walked to the doorway, lifted his son onto his chest, and whispered to Jane, “I’ll be back.” With a warm smile, Jane cozied beneath the duvet as Jeremiah made his way to the kids’ room.

     It had been three years since Jane’s delivery. The presence of Jacob and Jasmine in the house had not only made the couple happy but had also increased their workload. They had to minimize the number of times they went out on dates and of course, share the responsibility of taking care of the kids.
     Jeremiah made sure he had quality time with his kids. He told them stories, watched movies with them, and also taught them a couple of things they could comprehend. Jane reduced the time she spent at her office, making more time for the kids. Together, they were able to fare without implicating too much stress on each other.
     Mary deeply loved the kids. The few times she met them, joy coursed through her veins. She realized that there was no better feeling than seeing your kids grow.
     Esosa, on the other hand, remained off the grid. No one knew where she was or how she was faring. The Sisterhood had concluded that she was killed, but Mary was doubtful, knowing fully well what Esosa was capable of.

    Jeremiah descended the stairs, retrieved a water bottle from the fridge to quench his thirst. He then set his phone on the dining table and struck a stylish pose, capturing a selfie in his elegant black suit.
    “Madam, you’re going to make us late if you don’t hasten up,” Jeremiah called out, retrieving his phone from the table.
“I’ll be down in a minute,” Jane responded.
“You said that fifteen minutes ago,” Jeremiah argued. “This is why married people don’t go out on dates; the women always delay even if they were told four-hundred days to the event.”
     Five minutes later, Jane reached the living room in a captivating green gown and a green purse. The dress, crafted from a rich emerald fabric, cascaded gracefully to the floor. The bodice was adorned with intricate lacework, delicate vines, and leaves, weaving their way across the neckline and sleeves. A satin sash clinched the waist, adding a touch of refinement while the skirt flowed in gentle waves. Overall, the dress exuded a charming allure.
     “How do I look?” Jane asked, whirling around to display her curves.
Jeremiah put his hands on his waist and said, “You took more than a minute.”
“You mean you aren’t going to compliment me?” Jane questioned with a sad look.
“Let’s go,” Jeremiah walked to the exit. “What are you waiting for?”
“I’m not going anywhere till you compliment me,” Jane insisted.
     Jeremiah sighed, walked towards his wife, held her around the waist, and gave her a deep kiss.
     “Babe, you look beautiful,” Jeremiah complimented.
Jane gently wrapped her hands around his neck and said, “hmm… You look handsome, honey. Your kiss just turned me on.”
“We will address that when we get back,” Jeremiah promised, making his way to the exit with his wife.
     Outside, the evening moonlight enveloped them as they made their way to Jeremiah’s car. In an act of chivalry, Jeremiah opened the front door for his wife and found his way to the driver’s seat after she took her seat. He started his engine and drove to the restaurant where they first met.
     Arriving at the Dexpensive Restaurant, Jane and her husband made their way to their favorite sitting position. Folashade, who was wearing a blue trouser and a white shirt snuggled in a black jacket, walked up to them.
     “Would you look at that… It’s my favorite couple. You both look great,” Fola began excitedly.
“You look good, too,” Jane complimented.
“Where are the kids?” Fola asked curiously.
“At my mom’s place,” Jeremiah answered.
“Oh, I see; you both need some alone time together. My husband and I do that a lot. We drop the kids off at my mama’s place and swerve around the city,” Fola explained. “So what can I get you?”
“Considering the fact that I’ve not eaten, I’ll take your largest plate of jollof rice mixed with fried rice. And of course, a bottle of water,” Jeremiah answered.
“I’ll take your grilled salmon and red wine,” Jane requested.
“I’ll be back shortly,” Fola stormed off.
“What’s ‘grilled salmon’?” Jeremiah asked playfully.
“Get out of here,” Jane joked.
     A couple of waiters returned with the couple’s orders, and Fola returned with the drinks. They indulged in their meal afterward, and when they were done, Jeremiah stood up.
     “Let’s do some sightseeing,” Jeremiah urged, extending his right hand to his wife.
“Yes, my king,” Jane took hold of Jeremiah’s arm, and they both walked to the rooftop.
     Jeremiah turned on the sound system, which was just at the corner, and he danced joyously with his wife.
     Holding his wife around her waist with her hands wrapped around his neck, Jeremiah began, “remember when you snubbed me when I first met you here?”
“Vividly… I still remember it as if it was yesterday,” Jane smiled.
“You know, I was really heartbroken you did that,” Jeremiah confessed.
“Really?” Jane asked.
“Honestly. But take a look at the family we’ve built together. You’re the best thing that has happened to me,” Jeremiah admitted.
“I love you, doctor,” Jane said, her lips meeting her husband’s.
     Their intimate moment was interrupted by a strange woman, wearing a black trouser and a black hoodie.
“Excuse me, who are you?” Jeremiah inquired, loosening his grip from his wife.
“Your wife knows who I am… It’s me, Chioma,” Chioma stated.
“You’re the client who claimed her husband had an affair with your closest friend?” Jane questioned. “How did you even know I was here?”
“You ruined my life, you bastard!” Chioma yelled. “Yes, I ruined my husband’s life, but at what cost? Eventually, I lost everything, and I was alone! I was depressed, sick, and tired. But you were having the best life.”
“What?” Jeremiah questioned.
“Point of correction? I didn’t tell you to ruin your husband’s life… You left after you told me your plans,” Jane uttered angrily.
Chioma brought out a handgun from her pocket, aimed the firearm at Jane, and cocked it. “You’ll suffer just like I did!” Chioma shouted.
“You don’t have to do this, please. We can talk this out,” Jeremiah said, pushing his wife to the back.
“Didn’t they tell you your wife was a witch? Now, she has repented, thinking her former actions won’t have consequences,” Chioma said. “Bye-bye, Jane.” Chioma fired a series of shots at Jane.
     Striving to shield his wife, Jeremiah shoved her aside and intercepted the bullets. Collapsing to his knees, blood streamed from his chest. Realizing what she had done, Chioma swiftly discarded the firearm and raced toward the exit on the rooftop, only to be incapacitated by Fola, rendering her unconscious.
     Jane cradled her husband in her lap, tightly clutching his right hand.
     Gasping for air, Jeremiah murmured, “look after the kids for me.”
“No, please don’t leave… Jeremiah, please!” Jane sobbed, tears cascading down her face. As Jeremiah took his last breath, Jane lost consciousness.
     The police reached the scene, but the outcome was irreversible. Covered in blood, Jeremiah’s lifeless body laid on the rooftop, with his unconscious wife by his side. Tears rolling down her cheeks, Fola urgently summoned an ambulance to the scene.

     At The Sisterhood mansion, twelve sisters including Mother Liberation, who was wearing a green cloak, sat on the grand table to hold their meeting.
     “Magdalene will be here soon. Till then, Aishat, what’s the status report?” Mary asked.
Aishat stood up and answered, “This month, three hundred women have joined The Sisterhood and of course, we’ve opened more branches overseas. The leaders of these-”
     Interrupting Aishat’s speech was a thunderous explosion that erupted from within the mansion. Debris and smoke were hurled into the sky, creating a chaotic whirlwind of destruction. The blast’s concussive force radiated outward, tearing apart walls, windows, and structural supports with a deafening roar. The mansion’s once-solid façade crumbled and disintegrated under the overwhelming pressure. The explosion ignited flames that rapidly consumed the remnants of the mansion. The devastation was profound—what was once an elegant dwelling now laid in ruins, a testament to the sheer power of the explosion that had brought it down.

     At the Alpha and Kings headquarters, Derek and ten men walked into the grand room. Derek, who was holding a book, said to Esosa, “The mansion has been destroyed and we retrieved the book.”
Esosa, who was dressed in a combat uniform, inquired, “What about the sisters?”
“They’re all dead,” Davis answered.
“Did you see their dead bodies?” Esosa questioned.
“How do you think we found the book?” Derek counter-questioned.
“Did you see a woman wearing a cloak?” Esosa walked towards Derek.
“What is our business with a woman wearing a cloak?” Oliver questioned.
“I told Derek that the leader of The Sisterhood was definitely going to be wearing a cloak, and he should make sure she was dead!” Esosa yelled.
“We didn’t see any woman wearing a cloak. I doubt anyone survived the explosion because it was too fatal. I mean, the flesh of those women was seriously burnt,” Dayo explained.
Esosa slammed her feet on the ground and yelled, “Idiots! Just because it was fatal doesn’t mean she died. That woman is a witch!”
“What if she survives? What can she do?” Sebastian asked.
Esosa gave Sebastian a stern look and said in a defiant tone, “If that woman survives, she will come after us all! There will be no victims! She will kill us all.”
“We have the book, and we can proceed to the next part of our plan,” Derek stated.
“No!” Esosa countered. “We will have to lay low until we confirm she’s dead. We can’t take any chances,” Esosa added.

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