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     “Ahhh!” Jane screamed in pain.
     Jeremiah, who was sleeping beside Jane, was woken up by her scream. He turned to his wife and noticed her hand clutched to the mattress, gasping for air.
     “What is it?” Jeremiah asked, trembling.
“It’s coming… The baby is coming!” Jane exclaimed, another wave of pain washing over her.
“Jesus Christ!” Jeremiah yelled.
     Adrenaline surged through Jeremiah’s veins as he sprang into action. He gently helped his wife out of bed and supported her down the stairs.
     “Ah!” Jane cried, tightening her grip on Jeremiah. “Babe, I can’t do it… It’s so painful.”
“Come on, we’re just a few steps to the ground floor,” Jeremiah comforted her as they made their way downstairs.
     Outside, the early morning moonlight enveloped them as they reached Jeremiah’s car. Jeremiah carefully guided his wife to the passenger’s seat, making sure she was comfortable before he hurried to the driver’s seat. He started his engine, navigated the streets with urgency, and occasionally glanced at his wife to check on her.
     At the hospital, Jeremiah meticulously guided his wife to the entrance. The nurses and doctors quickly sprang into action as they ushered Jane into the delivery room.
     “Jeremiah, you have to calm down,” Doctor Benson urged gently.
“I’ve never been this nervous in my entire life,” Jeremiah confessed, his voice trembling with anxiety.
     A nurse rushed from the delivery room and said, “Mr. Jeremiah, you need to come in quickly. Your wife demands your presence.” Jeremiah ran to the delivery room with Doctor Benson and the nurse.
     The labor began, and Jane pushed through the pain with unwavering determination. Jeremiah stood by her side, holding her hand and encouraging her through each contraction.
     The labor progressed for an extended period of forty minutes with no meaningful progress. The obstetrician assessed the situation, the mother’s health, and the well-being of the child. Later, Jeremiah was called out of the delivery room by the obstetrician.
     Doctor Mercy, the seasoned obstetrician, had a calm and reassuring demeanor. Her blood-stained white lab coat billowed gracefully, and her spectacles displayed the glow in her dark eyes.
     “I believe you’re the expectant father. I am Doctor Mercy,” Doctor Mercy began.
“The name is Jeremiah. What’s happening? What are you going to do with my wife and the baby?” Jeremiah asked with a curious look.
“During times like this, the expectant father and, of course, the mother will have to make a difficult decision,” Doctor Mercy explained. “With the situation on the ground, we’ll have to take your wife to the Cesarean Section,” she added.
“What? You mean there’s nothing else you can do?” Jeremiah questioned.
“As I speak to you right now, your wife is inside, groaning with excruciating pains. We’ve tried our possible best, and I believe we can’t waste more time,” Doctor Mercy answered. “Doctor Benson is discussing the same topic with your wife as we speak. Jeremiah, there are times when you have to make crucial decisions quickly, and this is one of those times. So Jeremiah, what is it going to be?” she asked.
     Jeremiah stroked his short beard with his left hand and cast a contemplative look at the hospital floor. As a doctor, Jeremiah understood the implications of a Cesarean Section. He knew if his wife went through this surgical process, her recovery period would be long, and she would have to undergo post-operative care. While he was certain that she would survive it, he did not want this to be her first childbirth experience. He was bewildered and lost in his thoughts.
     Just as he was about to make his decision, he heard the cries of babies resonating from the delivery room. He rushed in and saw two nurses holding a boy and a girl respectively. His exhausted wife, overcome with love and relief, gazed at him and smiled. Tears of joy streamed down her cheek as she held her babies for the first time.
     In that moment, Jane knew that the pain, uncertainty and sleepless nights were worth it. She had added two to the population of the globe and the bond she shared with her babies was inexplicable.

     Dressed in Battle Dress Uniform (BDU) and a blue t-shirt and a black trouser, Esosa walked into The Alpha and Kings meeting room. The thirty-two men who sat at the grand table were driven to awe, when bullets from her AK-101 resounded throughout the room.
     “How in the world did you get in here?” the leader of the cohort, Derek, asked in a defiant tone.
“Make yourselves feel at home, boys. Planted round this entire mansion are bombs that will definitely get every one of us killed,” Esosa brought out a detonator from her battle dress uniform. “One click and we’re all dead. I want to meet my creator, that is, if he exists, but I’m not sure any of you want to. So for the sake of your foolish cause, don’t move,” she smiled.
“But how? This facility is heavily fortified,” Dayo questioned.
“If there’s anything The Liberation Sisterhood has that you guys don’t, it’s discipline. Just a one-night stand with one of your boys, and he will spill the beans. Men don’t know how to control that thing in between their legs,” Esosa explained.
“What do you want?” Davis asked.
“I want to form an alliance. I want…” Esosa replied, and Derek burst into laughter.
“Have you forgotten that you burnt our men to death? What makes you think we’re stupid enough to work with a woman who killed our brothers?” Derek questioned.
Esosa sat on the grand table, gave Derek a stern look, and answered, “Cause I have some information you might need.”

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