Sero's crushes

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The alarm rang through the room, "UGGH" Kirishima, groaned as he threw his blankets onto the ground. He dragged his feet to the bathroom, grabbed his uniform on his way, and he slumped his towel over his shoulder, he put his uniform down on the toilet seat.

 Kirishima got undressed and into the shower, he then started the shower, he quickly jumped away from the ice-cold stream of water.

Once Kirishima got dressed and ready he sped downstairs grabbing an apple on his way out the door. He was excited for the first day back after brake he wouldn't have to worry about being late to school, the first day after being home, Kirishima was always late.

"Mina!", "Look who it is, you're late" Mina scolded, Kirishima made a sulking face, Mina rolled her eyes, Sero and Kaminari could only laughed.

 "Where's Bakugou?" Kirishima questioned, "Your lover boy is already inside," Sero said teasingly.

 "Thanks, and he's not my lover boy" Kirishima yelled, running towards the classrooms. "Not yet" Kaminari whispered.

"Bakubro!" The room lit up as the red haired boy pounced through the door "What do you want shitty hair?" Bakugou questioned lifting his head off the desk to see a smiling Kirishima "Well class is starting soon and you weren't out front" Kirishima said questioning the last part 

"Why weren't you out front?" Kirishima asked looking at bakugou who had put his head back down on the table

 "I was-" Bakugou's sentence was cut off by the bell ringing bakugou sat up quickly, Denki ran into the room followed by the bakusquad who crowded around Bakugou's table as the rest of the class spilled in.

"Hey Bakubabe" Mina paused making sure she had Bakugou's attention before continuing "we are planning on going to the park this afternoon to catch up, you wanna join" Bakugou looked around at the bakusquad then back to Mina 

"Fine, Only because I have nothing else to do" bakugou snarled. "Okay, you lot settle down, take your seats," Mr Azawa said emerging from under his desk in his yellow cocoon.

After what felt like forever the bell rang for the end of the day. "So Bakubro" Kirishima cheered as he hung his arm around Bakgou's shoulders. "What, shitty hair" Bakugou snapped "Calm down Bakubabe" Mina emerged next to Bakugou. 

"Shut up, Racoon eyes" Bakugou yelled, Walking out the school gates "So, bakubabe what did you do over the holidays?" Mina asked innocently "Nothing interesting" bakugou murmured, "I went to visit some old friends. Nothing exciting" Kirishima added.

Once they got to the park the three waited for Kaminari and Sero, "Where the fuck have you been!?" Mina rushed to hug them "You're late" she stated. "I'm going to get us all ice cream," Kirishima said walking away "Wait for me!" Mina yelled chasing after Kirishima.

 "So, what else did you do in the holidays" Mina questioned while Kirishima ordered the ice cream "Well" Kirishima muttered putting the money for the ice cream on the counter "I got a new binder"

"Nice" Mina screamed attracting unwanted attention from those around them including the rest of the bakusquad, kirishima shot her a glare. Once they had the ice cream they walked back over to the rest of the squad.

 "Mina why were you yelling" Sero questioned, Mina looked up at the redhead next to her "No reason" she muttered looking back at Sero "Here you go," Mina said holding the icecream in the black haired boy's face. Sero looked confused but took his ice cream and sat down

Mina gave Kaminari his ice cream and sat down next to Sero "Here you go, Bakubro" Kirishima said holding the ice cream out to the blonde "Thanks I guess" The blonde said quietly whilst sitting down. "So, any tea to spill," Mina said glaring at the 4 boys in front of her.

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