Shopping Spree

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Bakugou's POV:

Kirishima fell asleep after some time, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts, I grabbed my phone and started to play games. I could never get to sleep, so I would stay up and play games, though today would be harder as the whole group was here and I didn't want to disturb anyone.

I played on my phone for an hour, I wanted to get up, but Kirishima had his head resting on my lap, I really didn't want to disturb him, so I waited for him to move, so I could get up, once I got up I made my way out to the kitchen for a snack.

I got to the kitchen and scanned through the cupboards and fridge to find food. I gave up and walked through to the common room and sat on the couch.

"Trouble sleeping" I heard a voice coming from the doorway, where a silhouette stood leaning on the door fame.

"Yeah" was all I said as I watched the figure come out of the shadows, It was Shinsou, I knew I called him eyebags for a reason. I knew he was an insomniac, it was pretty obvious, plus Aizawa always talked to him about getting more sleep.

"Same" was all he said sitting down, on the other side of the couch, we talked for some time before the sun started to peak through the windows

"I'm going to make breakfast," I said as I got up and walked into the kitchen, I was going to make pancakes for these guys.

"What are you going to make" Shinsou questioned as he sat on the stool. He pulled out his phone and started to play games I assumed.

"Pancakes, the others love them," was all I said. After talking with Shinsou most of the night, I found out a lot about him, His childhood how he was told he had a villain's quirk, how Aziawa and Mic were his adoptive parents, and more.

I had finished making them when the others all stumbled into the kitchen. They all stared at me and shinsou who where talking and laughing

"I've never seen either of you laugh," Denki said walking over and picking up a pancake.

"Well there's a first for everything," Shinsou said in his monotone voice, the others all gathered around the pancakes and small conversations started

"When did you guys get up" Sero asked the others all looked curious as well, I just looked at shinsou and he looked at me before we both started laughing.

"I don't get it," Denki said shoving another pancake in his mouth

"What are we going to do today?" Todoroki asked putting his hand over his pancake to cool it down, I understand resenting his father but eating everything cold was a bit of a stretch.

"How about we go shopping" Mina suggested, Todoroki said we could use his father's credit card, so we all went to our rooms, to get ready Kirishima came with me to my room.

"Hey you can pick some of my clothes out," I said walking into the bathroom to shower. I enjoyed my shower, I got out and got changed into my black cargopants and an oversized black t-shirt, and my boots,

I walked out of the bathroom to see kirishima sitting on my bed scrolling on his phones, He slowly looked up and gathered the clothes he had and walked into the bathroom.

"Fuck sakes" I looked up from my phone and walked over to the bathroom door "You good?" I asked I got a yeah in response then heard the shower turn on, I walked back over to my bed and started scrolling on my phone until I heard a Knock at my door

"Yeah?" I yelled, the door opened slowly, Sero and Todorki stood in the doorway. They both slowly walked in and sat on the floor

"Hey, we're ready to go, so we thought we would come annoy you" Sero said lying down on the floor.

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