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Kirishima's POV:

I woke up in Bakugou's room, though I remember falling asleep on the abandoned rooftop. I rolled over to see my head was on Bakugou's legs, He was scrolling on his phone.

"Morning sunshine," He said putting his phone down, I looked around to see Shinsou and Todoroki also awake while the others were still asleep. "Morning" I mumbled.

Time went by and the others were still talking. I think they thought I went back to sleep. They were talking about how shit Endeavor was, I wanted to ask so many questions, but I didn't want to intrude on their conversation.

I just decided to forget it because it seemed like a touchy subject, But he seemed calm enough to talk to Shinsou and Bakugou about it. I saw Sero's eyes flicker, he was awake and listening to what was being said.

The emotions on his face kept changing quickly. The look of disgust, anger, sadness, and more. I was not listening to what Toodroki was saying when he started talking about how his father trained him, but Sero continued to listen, while Kaminari was still asleep.

Sero was staying completely still listening that's when I heard Shinsou start talking

"Yeah, I don't sleep that well, I maybe sleep an hour or two a night" That's not healthy, there is no way Shinsou can function properly.

"Yeah, That's cause you then drink coffee to keep you awake" Bakugou chimed in, he wasn't lying, whenever I see Shinsou he has a coffee in his hand.

"Say's you who uses energy drinks to stay awake" he snapped back, Bakugou went on to say how it helped him keep up his high energy.

"I need to keep my energy high, and with my lack of sleep doesn't help" I didn't know Bakugou had problems sleeping, but if that's the case then why does he drink energy drinks that confuse me.

"Okay, back to what I was saying," Todoroki said getting their attention back "I heard my mother talking on the phone about how she couldn't live like this and every time she looked at me she said to him" I didn't like where this was going

"I walked into the kitchen and that's when she poured the kettle over my face, she immediately used her quirk when she realized it was me causing the burn to scar" Ouch that would have hurt.

I saw Sero's face flush with anger and he looked really sad.

"I know you're awake," Todoroki said in his monotone voice, rolling Sero over to look him in the eyes. Sero looked up with confusion on his face that read 'How did he know' Probably from all the facial expressions.

"I- Im Sorry" He stuttered out. He sat up and wrapped his arms around Todoroki, He accepted the hug and they sat there for a while.

"I know you're awake, Shitty hair" Shit how did he know, He hasn't called me that in a while.

"Hey," I said nervously, I was concerned with what Todoroki would think. I looked over to him, who was still hugging Sero.

"It's fine, I would have told you guys one day, You are really good friends," He stated. Sero had buried his head in Todoroki's neck, he looked like he was crying.

"I didn't mean to be listening, I honestly zoned out but by Sero's facial expressions," I said feeling bad for listening

Todoroki lifted Sero's head and looked at him before lowering it back down.I looked around to see Mina was gone, She probably went home to see her family. We stayed silent for a while.

"Why do you drink energy drinks Bakugou?" I was really curious. Why would he?

"I have trouble sleeping and I need energy to stay alive." That confused everyone, even Todoroki. I saw Kaminari was awake now but he laid still.

"To stay alive" I question, Why would he need so much energy to stay alive

"My quirk, I sweat nitroglycerin, And nitroglycerin lowers a person's heart rate dramatically, so if I'm not stressed or worked up I will pass out and probably die" He said it so casually like it was common knowledge.

"How much sleep do you get?" Kaminari's curiosity filled his voice.

"Less than Shinsou," he said, I may not know Shinsou that well but I know he doesn't sleep much

"That's not healthy," I said, sitting up to stare at Bakugou, He just shrugged it off.

"Hey, Kiri." He said I froze in shock. I had never heard him call me that before, He got up and walked over to the shopping bags from yesterday. He grabbed one and brought it over.

"Open it," He said, handing me a brown paper bag with a sticker that read 'HEROS'. I unfolded the top of the bag and looked into it. It was a Crimson Riot plush. I launched at Bakugou, trapping him in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said, squeezing him to death, I heard laughter behind me though I didn't care.

"Okay, jeez," He said, pulling me off him. I honestly would have gotten it but I felt bad about spending Todoroki's money. I didn't even see him buy it.

"Hey, you're just trying to change the topic" He was sly in doing so, I didn't notice that he did

"It worked," He said with a sly smirk on his face.

"That's why when we asked what time you got up you two laughed" Denki stated it did make sense

"Look at you using your brain" Shinsou teased "Hey" Denki was cut off by Shinsou kissing him.

"Love birds," Bakugou said with jealousy coating his voice.

"You're just jealous," Shinsou said glaring back at Bakugou

"So are you two a couple?" Todoroki asked, examining the situation. Shinsou and Denki looked at each other before kissing again. Denki answered with a simple yes. I wish me and Bakugou could do that

"Are you okay Todoroki?" Sero asked Todoroki, only nodding. "How can you be okay with all that?" He asked again

"If I let it bother me, then I can't focus on being a hero. That's why I use my fire, cause it's my quirk." A simple but informative response.

I felt bad about what all of them were going through. Sero seemed the most upset when we went for breakfast. He didn't let go of Todoroki no matter how Todoroki assured him he was fine.

Sero was very clingy to Todroki the rest of the day when we watched movies, Todoroki felt bad for making him feel like that.

Words - 1908

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