Calm before the storm

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Bakugou's POV:

My alarm rang through the room, and my eyes struggled to stay open, those extras texting in the middle of the night were really annoying.

 I was almost asleep, but after that, I couldn't get to sleep, I eventually fell asleep at 3 am and then awoke at 6 normally I wake up voluntarily at 5 but those idiots kept me from sleeping.

 now I have every excuse to be mad, I don't think they understand how I have problems sleeping, though I won't tell them, they might think I'm weak for having these problems.

I mean I don't know for sure but by the way, my mother reacted to me getting kidnapped well. Everyone always asks why I am so rude to Deku and that's because he is an asshole who stole my mother's attention from me. Ever since we were you my mother favored Deku, saying I should be more like him.

I just wanted to make my mother see I am just as good as him, no I wanted her to see I was better than him. I gave up on that a while ago, in middle school. But I could never get over the fact my mother favored Deku over me, her OWN son.

 Who am I kidding, I still care for Deku, where do you think he gets all his expensive all-might merch. He's broke as fuck. He doesn't tell anyone I give it to him, it just randomly appears in his dorm room.

But I still hate him for stealing my mother's love she was meant to have for me. I tend to stay in my dorm over the holidays. I don't want to go back to that house. It's not a home, it's just a house. Every holiday I stay in the dorms and so does icy-hot. 

I make him cold soba when cooking. It's kind of like second nature to me, when I know whos going to be in I will make them the food that I know they like, and they call me an asshole,

To be fair they don't know I go out of my way to make icy-hot his cold soba during the holidays. Though I am lucky, not everyone stays in dorms. Like shitty hair, he goes home every day, I don't know why he is normally late each day, he should just get a dorm.

I snapped out of my thoughts to go have a shower, luckily we had bathrooms connected to our dorms we just had to share a bathroom with whoever was in the room next to us, lucky the dorm next to me was vacant as Mina had saved it for Kirishima, who said he would stay at home and might trial it later.

Once I got out of the shower I went to get breakfast, I left my room to go to the common room where the Deku squad where doing homework.

"Hey Kacchan" Deku said peering over the lounge chair his eyes beaming with joy, I just kept walking to the kitchen to grab some milk bread. I grabbed a few pieces before putting the bag back and walking back to my room.

I was stopped by someone yelling out my name, I turned around to see Sero "Come with me, my brother" He said putting his arm around my shoulder I couldn't be bothered to do anything so I let it slide as Sero led me to minas room which was two doors down from mine.

Sero opened the door. And to my surprise, I saw Kirishima sitting on the floor wrestling with Kaminari "What the fuck" I stated catching everyone in the room's attention.

"Why is shitty hair here, on time?" I questioned staring around the room, I saw an unfamiliar face sitting on a pink and purple bean bag reading a book, once I got a second look I saw it was shinsou

"I had to take some stuff home so I bought Kiribae here, we are gonna have a sleepover" Mina stated, looking away from the two tangled boys on the floor. I just shrugged and sat down next to shinsou, he lifted his eyes from his book and leaned over into my ear.

 "Are they always like this" He asked in a monotone voice "Sadly yes" I stated "HEY" I heard a voice yell before being hit in the face with a pillow "Dunceface, really" I said staring at him as I threw the pillow back at him.

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