3. Jordan

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Songs for the chapter

Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainor

Love Me by The 1975

High For This by The Weeknd

The guys and I are walking down the hallway, looking for Nerdy Turner. It's lunch time and my stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in days.

"Where's that smart little geek?" Troy asks in frustration.

He told a girl from our class, that he has seen Turner hang around before, to tell him to meet us before lunch. I think he's avoiding us.

"There he is." Daniel points at two guys talking to each other by the lockers. We start walking towards the two guys in unison.

"Turner! Where have you been!" Troy shouts, catching both of the boys' attention. The one that is talking to Turner eyes go wide and he takes off running.

Some friend he is. The guys and I have been in many situations where we had to run to not get caught, but if one us got caught we never left them behind. We always looked out for each other. We are brothers.

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind. Yup, I just quoted Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. I hate that that show doesn't come back on anymore. Beside the point Jordan.

Troy and the rest of us stand in front of Turner. "Turner, I know you got my message. I wanted to meet with you before lunch, but it's lunch time now and that means I'm missing out on my food to talk to you. That makes me angry, Turner."

Turner puts his hands up as if Troy is going to punch him. I snicker at how scared he is, but I would be too. He looks as if he has never lifted anything heavier than a math book. Troy could easily punch the guy one time and he would be out cold.

"I'm not going to hit you Turner. I just need some information on someone." Troy says, swinging his arm around Turner's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure man. Anything." Turner agrees, scared out of his mind.

I lean up against the locker along with Ryan. They need to hurry up so that I can get to lunch.

"Alright, there is this girl-"

Turner cuts off Troy, "I'm going to need a little more information. There are a bunch of girls in this school."

Troy hits him upside the head lightly. "I was getting to that before you interrupted me. If you do it again, I'm going to stuff you into one of these lockers." Troy threatens.

Turner nods his head quickly. "Please, continue with what you were saying."

"Okay. Like I was saying, there is this girl. She's a nerd. She's in your social class, but she doesn't really associate with many people. She's probably the smartest girl in the senior class. Maybe, the smartest person in the senior class." He says.

Turner nods his head. "Can you give me a description of her? I think I know who you are talking about." He asks.

I speak up now. "She has blonde hair. It's long and wavy. She has blue eyes and she's pretty pale. She doesn't dress like most girls around here either." I tell him.

The guys stare at me as if I'm crazy. "What? I like to study the girls that I'm going to try and get with." I tell them.

Troy shrugs and turns back to Turner. "Do you know who he's talking about?" He asks him.

"Yeah. You're talking about Abigail Monroe. By the way, she is the smartest person in the senior class." He says, looking at us in way that basically tells me he thinks the whole senior class is dumb besides her.

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