17. Abby

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Alyssa came running over to the lunch table with a huge grin on her face and a piece of paper in her hand. She stopped beside me and held the paper in front of her.

I looked at the paper and started reading. "Softball evaluations on Monday. After school until four thirty."

"Aren't you excited. This is the best news I've got all week." She smiles, sitting down beside me.

Jordan was sitting on my right and turned his head to listen to Alyssa and me. "I still need to practice a little." I tell her.

"That's where I come in," Jordan says, "I can help you tomorrow after football practice." He offers.

"And I can help you today. Pitcher position is mine, so don't try and go for it." She points.

I laugh, "Don't worry. I don't think I could steal it from you even if I tried. Also, I can't go today. Jordan and I are going to the mall after he gets out of practice."

"Well, can Jake and I tag along. I feel like I never see you anymore. Jordan always has your attention." She rolls her eyes at Jordan.

"Hey, it's not my fault that she rather hang out with me than you." He smirks.

"As if. It's not her fault that you're clingy." Alyssa fires back.

Daniel, Troy, Ryan, and some other guys from the football team make the ooohhh sound. Jordan shoots her a bird before turning to talk to Troy.

I laugh at them both before turning my attention back to Alyssa. "Of course you can come. I'll let you know what time to meet us over there." I smile.

She nods her head and we go into a conversation about softball and how the evaluation will be set up.


Jordan was walking with me to the parking lot to our cars. Lately I've been parking by him. Girls have been giving me the stink eye all week because of how close Jordan and I are becoming.

"I was hoping you wouldn't have showered so that we could go to your house and talk to your parents." I smile.

He laughs, "They're really fond of you for some unknown reason."

I hit his arm. "They're fond of me for the same reason that you're fond of me."

"Whatever you say, Midget. I'll follow you to the mall." He gives my hand a quick squeeze before getting into his car.

I've been dying to kiss him lately, but I want to take things slow and make sure I'm not going to get hurt. Jordan won't even attempt to kiss me anymore. He said he wouldn't until I asked him to. It's going to take me forever to build up the courage to ask him to kiss me.

I get into my car and send Alyssa a quick text letting her know that I'm on the way to the mall. I'm kind of nervous about the Halloween party this weekend. Jordan promised not to leave me, but lately Jordan has been letting me down. I can see the change in him, but there are still some things he needs to work on.

I park my car and get out. Jordan meets me at the entrance and we both walk into the mall together.

"I told the guys they could come with us today since they're going to the party, too. We're meeting up at the food court." He says.

I nod my head. "That's fine. I told Alyssa to meet us there, too."

I spot her sitting at the table we were sitting at last time we all came here together. I sit beside her and Jordan sits on my other side.

"Hey, Lyssa." I smile. She gives me a side hug and smiles.

"Jake is on his way. Apparently he's got a girlfriend who's a cheerleader." She says.

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